Chapter Nineteen

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As I opened the door, I heard someone shouting from behind.

"But I know you liked the kiss, we should kiss again!" he shouted.

It was Kim Taehyung.

I rolled my eyes and went inside. I peeked through the window, I could still see him smiling.

* * *

The next day, I received a text from my aunt.

It said: I'm going to pick you up at your place before 3 pm, oh and is your friend still coming?

I texted her back and told her he was still coming. She texted back.

It said: Oh I can't wait to meet him.

I told her everything about Taehyung. Taehyung is a kind boy.

After texting my aunt, I decided to clean the house. It was a little bit messy around the place. I miss my parents being around.

I took a shower and got dressed afterwards.

As I waited for the time to pass by, I looked at pictures, pictures of my parents and I

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As I waited for the time to pass by, I looked at pictures, pictures of my parents and I. As I looked through the pictures, tears started rolling down my cheeks, I stopped looking. It makes me so sad. I sighed, I still couldn't believe that my parents are gone.

I sat in the living room. It was really quiet.

* * *


I woke up from the sound of a loud knock from the door. I didn't know I fell asleep, I quickly glanced at the time, it was already 2:41 pm. I quickly opened the door.

It was Taehyung.

"You're early," I uttered.

"Well, you told me to be here before 3 pm, so I'm here," Taehyung stated as he placed his hands in his pockets.

"But you're still early, it's still 2:41 pm," I said as I opened the door to let him in.

He stepped in.

"But you didn't tell me specifically enough, and besides, I wanted to be early so that we can talk," he stated.

"Talk about what?" I asked in curiosity.

"I don't know," he said as he scratched his scalp.

"Anyways, my aunt and uncle are picking us up," I stated as I sat back down.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung uttered in a low tone.

"For what?" I questioned.

"I'm sorry that this had to happen," he stated as his gaze was on the ground.

I knew he was talking about my parents. My eyes started watering. He came towards me and gave me a hug.

"Please don't cry," he calmly said as he kept hugging me.

I couldn't help it.

There was suddenly a knock on the door. I was guessing it was my aunt and uncle.

I went opened the door.

It was them.

"I'm really sorry dear," my aunt stated as she gave me a hug. I hugged back.

"It's okay, I'm glad you're here with me," I said as I gave my uncle a hug as well.

We smiled at each other.

"Hello there," my uncle greeted Taehyung.

"H-Hi," Taehyung stuttered as he came closer.

"Are you (Y/N)'s friend?" my aunt asked.

"Yes," he responded back.

"Oh, (Y/N) talked about you this morning, she told me how kind you are," my aunt stated as she smiled towards Taehyung.

I looked at Taehyung, I could see him smiling at me. It was so embarrassing.

"Anyways, we have to go," my uncle said as he opened the door for everybody.

We went outside to the car, I locked the door to the house and caught up.

* * *

After the funeral, we were on our way back home. It was too hard to look at my parents in a coffin, I just couldn't do it. Taehyung was there to comfort me, I was glad.

On the way home, no one uttered a single word, it was dead silence.

My aunt suddenly broke the silence and uttered a word.

"Uh, (Y/N), is it okay if you go to the park for a bit while your uncle and I unpack our things in the house. By the time you're back, diner will be ready," my aunt states.

"Sure," I responded back.

"I'm coming with you," Taehyung whispered.


A/N- Boring chapter?? Hehe, sorry... Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! Stay tune for the next update!! Don't forget to give this chapter a vote and comment!!! Bye for now fellow readers...

To be continued. . .

Falling For Him | Kim Taehyung X Reader #Wattys2016Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя