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Demi's POV

I open my eyes and quickly close them due to the light. I slowly open my eyes again and let them adjust to the light. I look around see that I'm not in mt room. Looking at the bedside table, I see that I'm in a hotel. I just shrug it off.

"Eleanor?" I yell out. No response. I try again, "Eleanor!" Nothing.

I see a piece of paper on the bedside table on the opposite side of the bed. It read,

Morning Beautiful,

I had fun last night and I hope we do it again ;) When you wake up, I won't be there for I had work early this morning.

Love you mí amor.

I smile at the mesaage, Eleanor is a sweetheart. I send her a quick message.

El😍👭👅💍: Good morning princess. I enjoyed last night too, but I honestly can't remember it. I just know you rocked my world. I love you, see you at home beautiful.

She read it, almost instantly but didn't reply. That's strange. Guess she's in a meeting.


I just reached home, but the second I open the door, I'm suppose to be greeted with a picture of Eleanor and I, but I wasn't. The picture frame was face down. Probably the wind or something. I pick the picture back up and smile at it.

Closing the door, Marissa opens it and walks in furious.

"What the hell Demi!" She yells at me.

Confused as why I she's yelling at me, I ask, "What did I do to you that your yelling at me?"

She sighs, "Demi its not what you did to me, but what you did to Eleanor!" She tells me a bit more calmer but stil angry.

"What are you talking about?"

"Demi, what do you remember about last night?" She says to calm.

"Not much. Just that I went to the after party with Eleanor, we ended up in a hotel, where I woke up alone and she left a note saying she was going to work." I say not really seeing what said was wrong.

"Where's your laptop?" She asks me and walks toward the couch.

"On the coffee table. I'm going to change." I say and start making my way upstairs.

Once I enter my room, I see the bedside picture face down as well. Shrugging it off again, I quickly change into some sweatpants and one of Eleanor's t-shirts that I took from her and had in my drawer. I make my way back to Marisa.

"Hey." I say sitting next to her on the couch. I see she has Twitter and other taps open.

"Here read and watch the video." Is all Marisa tells me and passes me the laptop and goes to the kitchen.


"But why? Why did I do that to the only person who I truly love. Who sees me for me not for a celebrity. Why do I have I be so stupid?" I ask Marisa as I cry in her arms.

Once I finished reading the articles and watching the videos I ran upstairs to see if Eleanor's stuff is still here but it was all gone.

"Demi if you really love her you need to apologize and do whatever it takes to get her back. Dont give up on her Demi." Marisa tells me.

"I won't. She's everything to me." I say determined to get her back.


*knock knock*


"Come in." I hear and open the door walking in. I see my baby sitting behind a desk in a suit looking beautiful as ever. Her lip is cut though and I can see she's wearing makeup. I've always loved her without it, but when she does her makeup it's absolutely amazing.

"Hey." I say getting her attention. She sighs. It's now or never...


A/N: Hi 😊 like I promised a chapter in Demi's POV. Next update Friday 😊😄 until then. It's a short chapter is but one nonetheless 🙈

Unedited. Sorry. I need your guys help with a ship name for Demi and Eleanor!! Comment them below and I'll pick the best one! 😄 Happy reading.

~Britt ♥

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