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Eleanor's POV

"Happy Birthday Demi." I say kissing her lips and plopping myself next her. She cuddles next to me. Her head resting on my chest, and my arm around her. I feel her kiss my boob as I kiss her head.

"Thank you for everything El." She says

"Your welcome baby." I say looking into her eyes as she looks at me. We both smile at each other.

"I want to ask you something, I was going to ask yesterday but because it was your birthday I didn't, but since it's not your birthday anymore I could ask." I say looking at her.

This got her attention. She just nodded. I took a breath before continuing, "Will be my girlfriend?"

She gives me her megawatt smile. "Yes!" She says.

She straddles me and starts kissing me. I kiss her back. She pulls away and just smiles at me. I smile back.

"Wait you said it's not my birthday anymore. What time is it?" She asks me

I point to the clock on the beside table. It read 2:46 AM in big red bold numbers and letters. She looks at me and just smiles. I smile back and peck her lips.

"How about we get some sleep since we've been at it all night?" I say. She kisses my lips one last time and cuddles back onto my side with her head on my chest one last time.

I hum a bit to one of my songs and she falls asleep moments later with me following her once we are both covered under the blankets.


Demi's POV

I wake up and feel great. I slowly shift a bit trying not to wake up Eleanor. I smile remembering what happened a few hours ago. I feel El grip on me tighten.

"No, stay!" El mumbles.

"Sorry did I wake you?"

"Nah, it's alright. We gotta get up." She says.

"Morning El." I say after a while. I peck her lips and she smiles.

"Morning Dems." She says. I get up but she pulls me back down. "Stay a bit longer." El mumbles and burries her face in my neck. I smile and stroke her back.

A few minutes later we get up. As I showered, El said she'd go make us breakfast. Finishing my shower I walk down the stairs and into the kitcken. I see El making waffles. She's singing and dancing. I don't recognize the song, she's singing to, must be an original. I just stand there looking at her, it's not as creepy as it sounds.

She turns around and sees me. "Hey beautiful." I say and walk towards her.

"Hey yourself love." She says pecking my lips.

"What song was that?" I ask her.

"Just one I'm working on."

"Oh. We'll have to work on that now, won't we?"

"I guess so."

Once Eleanor finished making breakfast we sat in the living room eating, and having small talk. El went to shower after breakfast and said we would be leaving once she's done getting ready. I couldn't help but be happy with what has happened between us. I scroll through the pictures we took yesterday. I make a collage and post it on Twitter. I don't tag her, but I know she'll see.

My phone instantly goes off with notifications. I sigh, sometimes I hate being famous. It's not long until Eleanor comes down wearing the most comfortable clothes. She's wearing black sweats, with a grey hoodie that says Lovatic on it and it has a 'Lovatic' heart underneath the word, a grey beanie and some glasses. I didn't know she wore glasses, probably just style.

Cool for the Summer (Under Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora