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Eleanor's POV

Last night I ended up sleeping on the couch. I don't know why, but I did. Since I was the first one up, I tip toed into my room and saw Demi asleep. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. How can someone look so beautiful while they sleep? Those lips. I just want to kiss them again. Their so soft. Get a hold of yourself Eleanor. You have a job to do. I made my way to the bathroom and did my business. Once I was done my morning routine, I went back outside. I made my way the kitcken. Standing there I thought what should I eat.

I ended up making pancakes, egg and bacon. Yummy.

"Morning." Dianna spoke.

"Good Morning Dianna. I made breakfast." I said.

"You didn't have to dear."

"I know, but I was making myself food and thought why not. It's no big deal." I say giving her a smile.

"Well thank you so much. What did you make?"

"I made pancakes. Chocolate chips, banana my favourite, and the original ones. I also made scrambled eggs, and one omelet, mines but I don't want egg anymore, and bacon."

"Wow. That's quite a lot, don't you think?"

"I guess." I say not thinking much of it. I love to cook so this is nothing really.

"Morning, breakfast." Eddie says as he walks up to his wife and kisses her lips. I awe and Dianna blushes.

They take the food they want and join me on the kitcken island.

"So Eleanor, tell us about yourself. I have a feeling we will be seeing you quite a lot." Eddie says. I look at him confused, and he continues. "Demi seems to have an eye for you." He sends me a wink which cause me my blush.


"Come on dear. Tells us about you." Dianna says.

"Well, I'm 19 turning 20 end of the year on December 30th. Phillips' Tours was handed down to me when my parents died a year ago, today, in a car accident, involving a drunk driver. I graduated junior college two weeks ago. I tripled majored. Majoring in general arts, general business, and biochemistry. I love to meet new people. My favorite colors are purple and blood red, I know it sounds weird but I just love that color. I think that's it."

"Wow. And I'm sorry for you lost." Dianna said taking my hand into hers and squeezing it. We soon heard noise. "Well the girls are up."

And with that being said, I felt someone engulf me in a hug. "Morning" yup that's Demi.

"Morning Dems." I say and she kisses my check. "Morning Dallas, Madison."

"Morning. Yay food." Dallas says she takes out her food.

"Morning El. Call me Madi, please."

"Sure." I say and give her a smile.

"Who's omelet is that?" Madi asks.

"Who ever wants it. I made it for me, but I don't feel like to eat egg. Its an egg white omelet." I say knowing Demi loves thoses.

"I call dibs." Demi says, letting go of me and heading towards the omelet. I chuckle at her.


Once everyone finished breakfast, they all went to change. Luckily I had finished before them and went to take a quick shower and changed into my uniform for the day. My uniform was simple. A white company Pollo shirt with the company's logo and my name on it, a long black thin sleeved shirt underneath, topped off with a black skinny jeans. I looked bad ass if I say so. I decide to wear my grey beenie with it.

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