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Eleanor's POV

My name is Eleanor Grace Phillips. I'm 19 years old and I'm the co-owner of Phillips' Tours, where I'm a tour guide. The best of the best. Not to sound cocky but I was named the top tour guide of Belize in 2016.

"Hurry up El. You don't want to be late." Liam, my dad's and I's business partner, yells.

"I'm coming!" I say as I walk down the stairs of my house.

"About time." He chuckles as he sees I'm still fixing my beenie. "Here's the sign with the name of the family your picking up. You know the drill." He says and passes me a paper with De La Garza Family written on it.

I get in the company van, and start my drive to the international airport. Once on the highway I start playing my music from my phone and start to sing along to my favorite songs.

You might be wondering how comes I'm 19 and the co-owner of Phillips' Tours, well the company belonged to my parents. Long story short, My parents died in a tragic car accident, about a year ago, stupid drunk driver. I wasn't even 18 at the time when it all happened. My dad left the company to me and Liam. I have a 80% share and Liam has the remaining 20%. Liam ran the company up until I graduated junior college a few weeks ago. Instead of travelling the world for a year like I had planned to do, I got certified as a tour guide, and started working with the company and started to up-hold my part of it.


Reaching 10 minutes before De La Garza's plane arrives, I quickly park the van near the entrance, but away from the point were I could get a ticket. I grab the paper with the name neatly printed on and make my way inside the airport.

20 Minutes Later

"De La Garza?" I say as a family walks up to me.

"Yes." The older man said, aka Demi's stepfather, Eddie.

Yes. I am picking up Demi Lovato and her family, but I got to act professional, even though I want to fan girl. I have always has this huge crush on Demi. She's just so amazing.

"Okay. Well, welcome to Belize. My name is Eleanor Phillips, call me El if you wish. I'll be your tour guide for your stay here in beautiful Belize. Shall we go?" I say in the most polished way I can.

They follow me outside. "If you wait right her, I'll bring the van over, so you don't have to walk there." They all nodded in agreement and I ran over the car and drove to where they were.

I got out of the van and opened the door for them.

"Leave your bags there. I'll put them in the back." I say. They thanked me and got in the car. I packed their luggage in the back in a matter of seconds.

Once I got back in the van, I started to drive.

"Okay, as I said my name is Eleanor Phillips. I'll be your tour guide for your stay here. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. If you feel like you don't want to do an activity we can find an arrangement. Any questions?" I say keeping my eyes on the road.

"Thank you. I don't think we have any." Mrs De La Garza says.

"Okay. Well, the international airport, here in Belize goes by the name Phillip Goldson International Airport." I say and give them an random facts of the airport and why it's named it that way. Mr and Mrs De La Garza seemed interested.

After 30 minutes I announce we are entering the city through the north-west entrance. Minutes after I drive into their hotel's parking space.

"Okay. Well this is the Ramadan Hotel. You will be staying here. Your reservation is under your name." I say once all their stuff is out of the car and they are walking inside. "Would you like me to stay, or you all okay?"

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