10 Beer

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Yasmin: Shina's announcing the questions and dares

Shina: Yay

Alexia: Before we continue *snaps her fingers and everyone's personality is back to normal*

Yasmin: I hated that

Chooki: We all know you didn't like that

Shina: Okay, senstargirl says, *Me appear*
Me: guess who back~
Everyone : JULIANA! * Hug me tight*
Me : guys.....air...
* let go quickly *
Jackie: oh, yah, since ur here.......dare Stargirl to drink 10 beer! Without being drunk!* smirk evil*
Me: WHAT! U wouldn't dare, Jackie. u so mean....
Jackie : I just did, now drink!
Mary: uh, I dare Someone to watch her just in case
S.C : u do know she be ok, but u know bout *cough * right?
Mary: yah, I know since SOMEONE switch her drink is her Wyatt, and, Shade : also, Yasmin u better hide ur chainsaw before she go to Senpai mode....she love *whisper* Toxsa-Senpai...
Mary : Toxsa u better hide now...
Crystallia : hey don't forget us we're better hide as well until she back to herself...
*everyone hide somewhere*

Yasmin: Bye *grabs chainsaw and disappears*

Toxsa: What the heck

Juliana: This is not gonna end well *starts to chug down ten beers while trying not to get drunk*

Ceylan: And I thought three was bad

*everyone watches as Juliana drinks ten beer*

Chooki: Who else thinks that someone would get hurt

Toxsa: Yep

Beni: Have you guys seen drunk people, they would hurt people

Shina: Um, thanks for the questions and dates, vote, comment, comment questions and dares, follow Yasmin, read her other books and we'll see you guys next time on ask or dare the tenkai knights, bye for now

Toxsa: And also hope that no one gets hurt before then

Ceylan: Yeah

All: See you guys next time on ask or dare the tenkai knights, bye *all waves bye*

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