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Yasmin: *appears* Hi, what's... why is Chooki dressed as the marionette, I thought he hated him

Alexia: That's what I thought

Yasmin: Anyways, Harriz is announcing the questions and dares

Harriz: Yes

Ceylan: Wow, straight to the point

Yasmin: Yeah

Harriz: So, AlyssaRathjen says, Bella: Well, that was fun.  And NO CHOOKIE I DIDN'T STUFF HER IN A FREDDY SUIT!  Like I'd EVER do that.  I just, sorta, knocked her down.  BUT HER DRAGON FORM IS SCARY GUYS!
Kokono: Called it.
Aly: Role plays, these things, it's a hassle.  But, luckily, I can manage for now.  Everyone, who out of these girls would you fight?  Eris, Tatiana, myself, Nicole, or Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: Heads up, I'm good with a sword.

Yasmin: I have no say in this

Alexia: Probably Elizabeth

*everyone says their answers to the question*

Yasmin: Let's move on

Harriz: Okay, senstargirl says, Little brother : SIS! SIS! SIS!
Me: yes
Little brother : father want us to go killing speed with whole family!
Young brother : yah, I ever thought he would not,  but guess I was wrong! Anyway we r going to ball at human world at night, so say goodbye.
Katy : welp enjoy your trip guys!
Me: Bye guy! We be back! And oh, Crystallia ur in changer!
*Me and my family dissappear *
Crystallia : yes! OK, I dare girls but Juliana turn into a chibi for 3 chapter!
Jackie : questions 4 everyone, do you want to see me and Crystallia battle with her dragon friends?
Katy : dare Beni to comfort me....I still sad about 'that ' happened......

Yasmin: I am not turning into a chili

Alexia: She protests a lot *snaps her fingers and the girls turn into chibi*

Yasmin: I hate this and to answer your question, yes I would like to see you battle your dragon friends

Beni: Why me

Alexia: Just go

*Beni disappears*

Harriz: Thanks for the questions and dares, vote, comment, comment questions and dares, follow Yasmin, read her other books and we'll see you guys next time on ask or dare the tenkai knights

All: See ya next time, bye

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