Hang Out, Mlp, Revenge

39 4 15

Yasmin: So, who wants to announce the questions and dares

Kiro: You said I could

Yasmin: Oh yeah, you can announce the questions and dares

Kiro: Thanks

Yasmin: No problem

Ceylan: When can I get a turn

Yasmin: When I feel like it

Ceylan: Really

Alexia: She would do that

Ceylan: I know

Yasmin: So, Kiro, can you announce the questions and dares

Kiro: Yes, uh, senstargirl says, Me: hey guys! Let light up our 4th of July since we forgot, I brought Fireworks!

Crystallia: I wonder won win? But I believe Katy will win! Oh and dare everyone to go out with their boyfriend or Friend Hang out! Enjoy the fireworks people! 

Yasmin: Well, great, hanging out

Alexia: Deal with it

Yasmin: Shut up

Alexia: Really

Chooki: Come on, lets go

Yasmin: Don't wanna

Chooki: Your gonna come one way or another

Yasmin: No I'm not

Chooki: Did you seriously tie yourself to the chair just not to go

Yasmin: Well duh

Chooki: Your still coming *unties Yasmin* Now, let's go *grabs Yasmin's hand they leave*

Aly: Come on Ceylan, let's go

Emily: Let's go Gen

Juliana: Toxsa, to the arcade

Ceylan: Okay

Gen: Let's go

Toxsa: Yesh

*Ceylan, Aly, Gen, Emily, Toxsa and Juliana leave*

Alexia: looks like the rest of us are hanging out

Guren: Yeah

Beni: Yep

Nightmare: Definitely

Harriz: Yup

Ano: Yeah, all us

Shina: Let's go

Melody: Let's all go

Kiro: I'm coming

*Guren, Beni, Kiro, Alexia, Nightmare, Harriz, Ano, Shina and Melody leave*

Beag: We'll hang out

Wakemai: Yeah

*Wakemai and Beag leave*

*time skip*

*Everyone appears*

Yasmin: Please don't make me do that again

Chooki: You had a good time

Yasmin: No I didn't

Chooki: She's lying, she was laughing and having fun

Alexia: I will not even say anything

Kiro: Can I announce the next ones now

Alexia: Yeah

Kiro: Yay, AlyssaRathjen says, (shines a light on Toxsa) This dare is for you.

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