Jealous, Question

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Beni: Okay, we are going to start the day now

Alexia: And I get to be host

Yasmin: That's wonderful

Ceylan: I don't think I can take another day of her being happy and acting married

Alexia: So no arguments happen, I will announce the first one, nerdqueenchaos says, So now I dare Gen to make out with me on front of everyone for as long as he wants and no one can pull us apart and you guys HAVE to watch :3
And i dare Ceylan to*Puts headphones on Aly and Gen*flirt with Me to make Aly and Gen jealous

Yasmin: I'm not so sure that Kiro should see it at her age

Chooki: So what do we do

Yasmin: I know I might not be respecting the dare but I'll take Kiro over here and play with her

Guren: Okay

*Yasmin plays with Kiro while Gen and Emily make out*

*After a while, they stop making out*

Chooki: *goes over to Yasmin and Kiro to see Yasmin chasing Kiro* Uh, what happened here

Kiro: We're playing chase

Yasmin: Yeah, chase

Chooki: I can see that, but why

Yasmin: She wanted to

Ceylan: *goes to Emily* Hey there beautiful

Emily: Hey

ืCeylan: You look extra nice today

Aly: Ceylan, I will kill you right here and now *runs after Ceylan with her katana*

Gen: Hate you Ceylan

Alexia: I will mention the next one now, senstargirl says, Dare Toxa to cuddle me aka Juliana 😻 since I am a neko. Question for Emily, what happen when some fangirl take ur gen away, how u react?

Toxsa: Okay *Juliana and him sit on the couch and he cuddles her*

Emily: As to answer your question senstargirl, I would probably stay with Gen

Yasmin: Okay

Kiro: Can we play now

Yasmin: Yes

Ceylan: Seriously, this isn't normal, she hasn't gone angry yet

Alexia: Isn't that better

Ceylan: I have no clue

Beni: Okay, Subject Alexia, end the day

Alexia: Okay I will, thanks for the dares and question, vote, comment, read Yasmin's other books, follow her, comment more questions or dares, we hope this was a good chapter and we all will see you guys next time on ask or dare the tenkai knights

All: Bye

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