New person, Ceylan, Chooki sing + dance, Kiro sing

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Yasmin: Everyone get down here before I burn the place down, and I will do it

*Everyone appears*

Beag: But if you burn this place down, where would you stay

Yasmin: The real question is where do you stay not me

Ceylan: Is that why you called us down, so we can see where you would stay

Yasmin: If you are implying that this is boring then you are wrong, it is quite entertaining, at least for me, and thats not the reason why I called all of you, its because of this, come on out

*A girl with dark brown hair in a pony tail, grey eyes, nerd glasses, freckles wearing a red t - shirt with a purple star on it, ripped dark blue jeans, white and black high tops, and a gold necklace with a black gem stone in it*

???: Hi, name's Emily Shadows

Gen: Hi Emily

Toxsa: Oh great, another girl

Yasmin: Just ignore him

Beni: So, Emily, whatcha like

Emily: I'm funny, crazy, random, I don't care about what others think, I can seem evil at times, when alone or with a calm person, I can be really calm but when bored or with other crazy people, I will go crazy, I love to play video games and I'm used to being quiet but if I don't hate someone I consider them a 'chosen one', I love to draw, sing, write, and hang out with my friends

Toxsa: And now I regret what I said a few moments ago, she loves video games

Emily: Okay

Gen: She's cool

Yasmin: Okay, we also have a dare today, Orangor, get your camera out because we need this recorded

Orangor: Already done

Guren: Not this time *Breaks Orangor's camera* And thats gotten rid of

Yasmin: I have, about a billion cameras in my closet so I can just get them

Guren: Stop trying to record all the dares

Yasmin: Okay

Kiro: Come on, come on, whats the dare

Wakemai: You seem cheerful

Chooki: I took her to the zoo recently and she's been happy since so don't be surprised

Guren: They also decided to drag me along

Yasmin: Emily, you get to announce the dare today

Everyone but Yasmin and Emily: But we never get to do it

Yasmin: Hey, my show my rules so now Emily gets to say the dare

Emily: Okay, TenkaiMexicana says, Congrats Ceylan and Chooki! You don't have to wear the Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin costumes anymore! But here's a new dare!

I dare you two to dance and sing "Childish War" by Kagamine Rin/Len! Chooki as Len, Ceylan as Rin

Chooki and Ceylan: Yes

*Chooki and Ceylan start running to the changing rooms*

Chooki: Wait

Ceylan: What

Chooki: Here

Ceylan: What is this

Chooki: Just put it on

*Ceylan and Chooki run to the changing rooms and get changed and Ceylan comes out as Kagamine Rin and Chooki comes out as Kagamine Len*

Ceylan: Why do we have to wear this

Chooki: Because if you heard the dare properly we had to sing and dance as these people so we are now wearing these to do the dare

Ceylan: But why are you the guy

Chooki: These characters are twins and TenkaiMexicana clearly said that I had to be Kagamine Len and you had to be Kagamine Rin

Ceylan: Okay, lets do this

*Ceylan and Chooki go on stage and sing and dance to the song until it finishes and then they go and got changed*

Yasmin: That was fun

Orangor: And its all recorded

Guren: What, I told you not to

Yasmin: Yeah, but your not the one that controls this show and you got to admit, it is funny and the one you broke was plastic, how did you think you broke it

Beni: That's true

Yasmin: And the last dare is going to be really funny so I will say it, JessRen says, Hahahaha..awesome..:3..another dare ..this from my friend..(I dare kiro to sing "I knew you in trouble by Taylor she mean it)

Kiro: Okay

*Kiro sings I knew you were trouble and Chooki thought it was true*

Chooki: Uh, Kiro, why did you, uh, say, well sing that

Kiro: Why

Chooki: Uh, because *About to break into a bad mood* *can see steam coming out of his ears*

Kiro: Ch-Chooki, it was a dare, it was a dare, don't get angry at me, please, *about to cry*

Chooki: Its okay, I wasn't going to get mad

Kiro: Thanks

Beni: See, guys go softy a younger children that are going to cry

Ceylan: Not all, I'm not

Guren: Uh, remember that time

Ceylan: Guren, be quiet

Beni: Wow, you went softy when Kiro was going to cry once, your more of a softy

Ceylan: Th- That doesn't mean that girls are better than boys

Beni: Yes it does

Toxsa: No it doesn't

*Everyone but Gen, Yasmin and Emily fight*

Yasmin: Okay, this is taken into my own matters *Ties everyone but Gen and Emily up* Finally

Gen: They fight over the weirdest things

Emily: But it does make it more fun

Gen: Gotta agree with you there

Yasmin: Emily, outro

Emily: And thats it for today, next time, we would probably have even worse dares or crazier questions

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