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Yasmin: Well, I can finally get out of these clothes and not act married

Chooki: You really don't like these type of stuff, do you

Yasmin: Does it look like I do

*Chooki, Kiro and Yasmin go to separate changing rooms and get changed back to their normal clothes*

Yasmin: Finally

Shina: Well, I'll start the questions or dares

Ceylan: Please do

Shina: Okay, nerdqueenchaos says, I just realized I never really gave anyone but the Knights,Kiro,and the hosts dares,so I have a dare for Wakamei,i dare you to burn all of your brothers games (they will magically appear the next chapter that's to the chaotic powers of Emily)
I also have a dare for Beag,i dare you to sing that "Never gonna give you up" song (idk who it is by) and finally....

I dare Kiro to have a playdate with me and Gen and then she has to tell everyone about it afterwards :3

Wakemai: I can do that *burns all of Toxsa's video games*

Toxsa: No, my precious games

Beag: Well, I'm going to have to sing

Yasmin: Sing

*Beag sings never gonna give you up*

*After he sings*

Yasmin: I never knew people would actually sing songs without complaining

Kiro: Yay, playdate

*Kiro has a playdate with Gen and Emily*

Yasmin: Okay

*time skip to after the playdate*

Chooki: So, what did you do on the playdate

Kiro: We had so much fun, we had a tea party, played princesses and princes and played shopping

Yasmin: Sounds like a blast

Alexia: let her enjoy her moment

Yasmin: Whatever

Shina: Ending the day now, thanks for the dares today, not much though, uh, vote, comment, comment questions or dares, read Yasmin's other books, follow her if you haven't already, stay awesome and we all will see you guys next time on ask or dare the tenkai knights, bye

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