Videos, fangame

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A/N: There's two videos but I decided to put that one, be warned, it's kind of long

Yasmin: Okay, we have two dares

Alexia: Yeah

Harriz: I'll start with the first one, thunderstrike_ says,

Yasmin: Who is Hiijrah, he just changed his username

Harriz: Yes, he says, I dare the Tenkai knights (including Yasmin and Alexia) to watch a vid on youtube.


Girl gets possesed during a makeup tutorial. 


Chooki: Uh, okay

Ceylan: Lets watch it

Luna: Okay

*They pull a screen out and put the video on*

Guren: Time to watch

*Time skip to the end which is a very short time skip*

Yasmin: Uh

Kiro: *crying* That was scary

Wakemai: I was kind of confused

Chooki: Kiro I'll take you to get some toys

Kiro: Okay

*They leave*

Ceylan: What was that video about

Toxsa: That wasn't right

Guren: Why was it when someone's doing makeup

Beni: That's messed up

Alexia: Uh, can I watch it again

Yasmin: Same here dude

*Gen appears since he wasn't here*

Gen: What happened here

Emily: I don't know, remember we couldn't do any dares

Juliana: Your lucky

Toxsa: That's still messed up

Yasmin: What's done is done

Aly: Onto the next one, AlyssaRathjen says, I dare everyone to play this really scary fnaf fanmade game I heard about called "The Joy of Creation" and try survival mode. Please, though, Toxsa, don't scream so loud, unless you get a jumpscare because you REALLY screwed up. (I've never tried the game myself. Also, the game is scary enough to make ME yelp. I just usually jump.)

Yasmin: Seen the trailer, never played it

Toxsa: How am I not supposed to scream

Yasmin: Easy *Ties Toxsa's mouth with a cloth so he can't talk*

*Chooki and Kiro appear*

Chooki: We're back

Kiro: I got a new friend for Sandy

Yasmin: Uh, Kiro, stay here and play with Sandy and your new friend, we all will be back soon

Chooki: Why

Alexia: Tell you when we get there

Chooki: Uh, okay

*Everyone but Kiro, Gen and Emily disappears to the game room*

Chooki: So why are we here

Yasmin: Dare to play this game called The joy of creation, seen the trailer, never played the game

Chooki: Scary game

Ceylan: Probably

*Timeskip to the end of the game*

Yasmin: Well that was a total blast

Ceylan: I'm going to have nightmares

Toxsa: *When someone took the cloth of his mouth* I already have nightmares

Aly: We can't go yet

Shina: And why is that

Aly: Another dare that would probably also give Kiro nightmares

Ceylan: Well great

Toxsa: So you're saying that it's probably scary, fudge

Aly: AlyssaRathjen also says, Also, I dare everyone to watch this video:

(the name of the video is "A Lethal Halloween" by the way)

*They put the screen up again*

Ceylan: Uh okay

*During the video*

Toxsa: Seriously

Ceylan: That's messed up

Yasmin: *laughing* This is funny 

(A/N: This is literally my reaction when I watched it)

Chooki: What

Alexia: Things like this make her laugh for some reason

Guren: Okay

*Timeskip to the end*

Ceylan: Well, they're all alive still

Yasmin: That was funny

Beni: You're messed up

Yasmin: No I'm not, it's my reaction

Melody: We should get back to Kiro

Everyone else: Yeah

*They disappear back to the main room*

Yasmin: We're back

Emily: So, how was the dare

Yasmin: Well, we had to play a game and watch a video

Gen: Okay

Toxsa: She started laughing *pointing at Yasmin*

Yasmin: It was funny

Shina: Let's finish this

Emily: Yeah

Melody: Thanks for the dares AlyssaRathjen and thunderstrike_, comment questions and dares, hope you enjoyed this whole weird day, vote, read Yasmin's other dares and we'll see you next time on

Everyone: Ask or dare the tenkai knights

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