Movie, date, Ceylan's question, Sleepover

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Emily: Uh, Yasmin is in her emo corner for now for a reason that we haven't been told

Aly: So for today, the co-hosts are taking over

Shina: Whether the tenkai knights like it or not

Nightmare: And since we have not alot of dares

Harriz: We'll have three hosts mention them

Melody: So, that's what is happening today

Ceylan: I'm already annoyed

Toxsa: Same here

*Everyone gets pelted with pies*

Guren: Uh, what just happened

Ceylan: Oh, I forgot about that prank *starts running*

Beni: Ceylan *runs after Ceylan*

Ceylan: Announce the  dare, please

Harriz: Uh, okay, AlyssaRathjen says, Okay, I dare everyone to watch "Freddy vs. Jason."  Also, there's an overkill moment, so be prepared for that.  Another thing, keep Aly in the room because she will leave for the rest of the movie.  Hold onto her or something!

Melody: *Sets up the movie* Uh, what about Yasmin

Chooki: I'll get her out of her emo corner *walks up to Yasmin*

Gen: I don't think this little ask or dare show is normal

Wakemai: I don't think this is little

Orangor: This is awesome

Beag: I think the purpose of this show is so that Yasmin and the readers can either torture us or kill us

Yasmin: Excuse me, who stole my chocolate

Ceylan: Nightmare, run

Yasmin: You will die under the wrath of me, my weapons and I will kill you *Raises weapon*

Chooki: Wait, so let me get this right, I told Yasmin that Ceylan stole her chocolate but he and Nightmare actually did so now Yasmin is going to kill them, this isn't the result that was supposed to come

Ceylan: Stop her

Chooki: Yasmin, I'll get you three packets of chocolates, your choices, if you stop

Yasmin: Okay *She stops and everyone sits on the couch*

Aly: I'm leaving

Emily: Nope *ties Aly to a chair*

*Time skip cause author doesn't know any of this move or whatever it is*

Aly: Finally, it's done

Yasmin: Goodbye *walks back to emo corner*

Chooki: I don't think we'll need her for the rest of the dares and question

Emily: Your right cause nerdqueenchaos says, I dare Emily aka Me and Gen to go on a date and when they get back they have to tell us about the Date and how well it went,also Ceylan,what type of girl do you think you will end up dating one day?

Gen: Uh, what

Emily: Yay, c'mon Gen *drags Gen out of the house*

Ceylan: Uh, as to that question, is there a way I could, um, skip it *nervous laugh*

Toxsa: Nope

Ceylan: Well, I wouldn't know what type of girl I would be dating, it's not like I choose so fast, I would have different opinions

Aly: Wow, just wow

*Everyone but Chooki and Yasmin drenched in paint*

Ceylan: Who did that

Chooki: The only reason she won't talk for that long is if she's up to something, duh

Yasmin: He was in on it too, we planned it and seriously Orangor, I thought you would have known

Orangor: Hey

*Time skip to after the date*

*Gen and Emily get back*

Emily: We had a great time

Yasmin: I can tell

Gen: What happened here

Ceylan: Yasmin and Chooki

Beni: So, what did you guys do on your date, and you have to answer, it's in the dare

Gen: We went to the movies, went to the arcade for a bit and took a walk around the city

Beni: Cool

Yasmin: I'm sorry *Pulls a rope and buckets of glue and feathers fell on top of everyone*

Ceylan: Whats up with you today

Yasmin: I have no clue

Melody: I'll mention the last dare, Songbirdlove15 says, My dares are weird but can we have Melody and Kiro have a sleepover.  Anyone can come if they want.

Yasmin: So, Kiro and Melody can have a sleepover and anyone can be invited, goodbye

Beni: Oh no, you are going too

Kiro: Yeah, a girls sleepover

Yasmin: Nooo *Gets dragged to the sleepover*

Guren: So, what do we do

Nightmare: Scary stories

Boys: Oh yeah

*Time skip to the morning*

Yasmin: It was a nightmare, I'm going to go to the park and take a walk, bye guys *leaves*

Chooki: What did you do to her

Beni: We played truth or dare and Yasmin didn't like it at all

Chooki: When I get back, you are dead *leaves*

Harriz: I'll end it here again, Thanks nerdqueenchaos, AlyssaRathjen and Songbirdlove15 for the dares and question, we have one host spot left, vote and we'll all see you next time on Ask or dare the tenkai knights

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