prince and princess, question, videos

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Yasmin: Okay, let's get the day started *trying not to fall asleep*

Chooki: Did you even get any rest or sleep

Yasmin: Couldn't

Chooki: Seriously

Yasmin: Yep, let's get this day started

Ceylan: Yeah

Yasmin: Anyways, nerdqueenchaos says, Luna:I dare Gen to be Emily's prince and Emily is Gen's princess and they have to be like this for 3 chapters!
Luna:what?!i ship it!
Me:*sighs*i dare Ceylan to stop messing with Yasmin for the rest of the book,stop being such a jerk Ceylan,i like you better in the show,not thsi book
Link:I dare Toxsa to kiss Ceylan and he can't tell his girlfriend until 5 minutes after the dare
Jade:that's kinda mean Link
Jade:anyway,yay I won!i'll add onto Luna's dare and dare you all to be Gen and Emily's subjects till they can be normal again
Chaos:can I do something?
Chaos:I have a question for Gen and Beni,why did you give up on being Evil?Evil is fun*smirks*also love ya Gen~
Link:no again...

Gen: Okay, let's be a prince and princess

*Gen and Emily go to separate changing rooms and get changed into prince and princess outfits*

Emily: Done

Gen: Where do you keep all of these outfits *looks at Yasmin*

Yasmin: Don't remember

Ceylan: I am not a jerk

Yasmin: It's true, we just tend to argue a lot and we have differences

Ceylan: Yep

Yasmin: Also, I just don't think that Ceylan and I would get along

Ceylan: And I'll stop being a jerk

Toxsa: Great

Yasmin: That was random

Toxsa: *goes to Ceylan and kisses him and pulls away* I will never do that again

Juliana: Toxsa, what was that about

Toxsa: Uh

Yasmin: Think I should tie them up so no one dies yet

Ceylan: Yeah

Guren: You guys are agreeing again

Ceylan: I did say that I won't be a jerk

Yasmin: And so what if we agree

Alexia: Just tie them up

*Yasmin ties Toxsa and Juliana up*

Beni: We gave up on being evil because we found the truth

Gen: She was convinced by Kiro

Beni: Yep

Yasmin: Next one, senstargirl says, Little brother: dare Yasmin to eat...........FISH! And that includes you sis!
Me: Noooo! I hate fish! I will die if I eat it!
Older brother: well that too now EAT!
Me: NO!
Older brother:YES!
Older brother:NO!
Older brother: to bad, dare blueberry to kiss Emily without letting Gen see it
Young brother: questions for Chooki, what will u do in ur life?
Little brother: dare my sister to kill......
Me: *mumble* pls not my Toxa-boo, Emily, Gen, and everyone else...pls don't. ...
Little brother: Evil King!
Me:*hit him with the fried pan out cold * hack no, bro!
Older brother: yah--wait u know what yah, why not

Yasmin: I will not dare eat fish

Juliana: Neither will I

Ceylan: Sorry, but you guys have to

Yasmin: I will so regret this *eats fish*

Juliana: I still won't eat it

Toxsa: Come on, you gotta do it

Juliana: Tell me why you kissed Ceylan

Toxsa: Tell you if you eat the fish

Juliana: Great *eats fish*

Toxsa: See, that wasn't so bad

Juliana: It was terrible

Yasmin: Agree with you there

Ceylan: Okay *kisses Emily without letting Gen see and pulls away*

Gen: Emily *hugs Emily*

Emily: *hugs back*

Chooki: To answer your question, I don't know what I will be doing in my life

Juliana: Toxsa, tell me why you kissed Ceylan

Toxsa: It was a dare

Juliana: Okay

Ceylan: Okay, announce the next one

Yasmin: Okay, AlyssaRathjen says, Eris: I dare everyone to play Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair.
Aly: Okay.
Nicole: I think we all would have dared that.
Aly: I'm in my Danganronpa phase, so these next videos won't be MLP for now.
That's it.
Nicole: Wow.

Yasmin: Okay, let's get to the game

*they play Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair*

*after the game*

Yasmin: Well, that was interesting

Ceylan: Yeah

Alexia: Stop agreeing, and Yasmin, you never agree with anything

Yasmin: So, now let's watch the videos

*they watch the following videos*

(Again, if I get any of the videos wrong than sorry)

*after the videos*

Yasmin: Well, that's done

Harriz: Yeah

Ceylan: So who's gonna end the day

Yasmin: Apparently I have to

Ceylan: Why

Yasmin: Well, the host for the day always ends the day

Ceylan: Yeah

Beni: Just end the day already

Aly: Yeah, it's gone for a long time

Yasmin: Okay, thanks for the questions and dares today, vote, comment, comment questions or dares, follow me, read my other books if you haven't already, stay awesome and we'll see you guys next time on ask or dare the tenkai knights, bye

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