Toxsa's Death

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Yasmin: Wakemai, there is a dare for you

Wakemai: What is it

*Everyone else appears*

Yasmin: Toxsa, go to the gaming room

Toxsa: There's a gaming room, cool

*Toxsa disappears*

Orangor: So Toxsa isn't needed for this

Guren: Apparently not

Yasmin: Yes he is needed for this but he is not allowed to know because he would probablty freak out

Ceylan: At least I'm not apart of it, these clothes are hard enough to move in

Chooki: So how many ask or dares do we have to watch or experience to finish

Yasmin: Four, because this is the first and the dare is, NikiNye says, I dare Wakamei to kill Toxsa using a chainsaw. :D

Wakemai: Okay, I have to kill my brother

Beni: I get to see this, cool

Gen: Does this have to be done

Kiro: I'll play with my Sandy

Yasmin: Here's the chainsaw *gives Wakemai the chainsaw* Now go and do what you need to do

*Everyone follows Wakemai to the game room*

Wakemi: Sorry Toxsa

*Wakemai kills Toxsa while Chooki is covering Kiro's eyes and Yasmin is covering Guren's eyes while Gen is slowly walking away and Beni is just watching and Orangor is transporting Ceylan somewhere else so they can do a prank and Beag is still confused*

Yasmin: Well thats done, I'll take Guren to ask or dare room and I advise all of you to follow

*Yasmin and Chooki take Guren and Kiro to the ask or dare room, still covering their eyes*

Beag: I think we should go

Beni: Yeah

Wakemai: I agree

*Wakemai, Beag and Beni disappear*

Beni: What is happening here

*Beni gets hit with a paintball so everyone starts a paintball war with armour*

Gen: Wait, who is he *pointing at Orangor*

Wakemai: Yeah

Kiro: I don't know

Guren: Thats right, he didn't come to Beast world with us, thats Orangor, a crazy monkey that made us do alot of crazy things but it was supposed to get us back to Quarton

Gen: Oh

Yasmin: I already knew him

Beag: Does anyone realise that Valorn...

Ceylan: His name is Toxsa

Beag: That Toxsa, is dead and now he can't save the world with the rest of the knights

Yasmin: Yeah, he'll probably be alive by the next ask or dare so yeah, he is kind of dead

Chooki: And thats all for today's ask or dare show, tune in next time for more ask or dares

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