Hang out

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Yasmin: So, I will be announcing the questions and dares

Melody: Okay

Chooki: We gonna start yet

Guren: What's got you annoyed

Yasmin: I told him a dare that I will be announcing at the end of the day that some of you might not like so much

Ceylan: Also, we have to wear these dresses

Emily: And four of us are the guys slaves

Yasmin: Which includes me

Guren: Oh yeah

Yasmin: Okay, let's start this ridiculous day, senstargirl says, Me:dare nightmare go and hang out with my opc Katy to get along with each other!
Crystallia: YES so they don't kill each other-
Little brother: Sister, our father is coming to visit us!
*Zalgo appear*Zalgo: Hello my children, my name is Zalgo, I here to see her new boyfriend, she been talking about. What his is.....Toxsa? Is it, dare u meet me and ask questions.
Me: dad......pls don't kill him...
Older brother: questions 4 nightmare, R u afraid of my sister.
Little brother:dare........my sister to dress up in a cute maiden cloth I buy!>X3
Zalgo: WHAT! what is this meaning of this!
Me: uh, father, this is not what it look like...* Zalgo and me r having a conversation*
Young brother: questions 4, Yasmin, Sis, Aly, and Emily, how it feel to be their slave~

Nightmare: Oh well

*Katy appears and Nightmare and Katy disappear to hang out*

Toxsa: Is that a good idea

Juliana: I don't know

Yasmin: Before we keep moving on, I have to turn everyone into their normal genders *snaps her fingers and everyone is in their normal gender*

Juliana: You left me in the boy gender for six more chapters

Yasmin: Well, it's true that I left the genderswap for eleven chapters but, I didn't want it to feel like a girl is dating a girl so, I kept it without you knowing

Toxsa: Well great

Juliana: Yeah

Aly: Toxsa, you have to go meet Juliana's father

Toxsa: Good luck to me

*Nightmare is finished with hushing out with Katy and returns back to the ridiculous base*

Nightmare: To answer your question, I'm kind of scared of her

Juliana: Wait, seriously, a maids outfit

Yasmin: Good luck

*Juliana goes to the changing room and changes into the maids outfit*

Yasmin: To answer yet question, it's horrifying

Ceylan: Yasmin, for the time being, you can not eat any chocolate

Yasmin: What

Ceylan: *burns all the chocolate right in front her face*

Yasmin: My precious, I'll avenge you

Ano: She must really love chocolate

Alexia: It helps clear her mind, and it's practically the only sugary thing that she likes to eat

Yasmin: I hate you guys

Ceylan's: Also, go and get me lime parfait

Yasmin: Whatever you say, blueberry

Ceylan: And don't call me that

Yasmin: Okay *mutters* goggle head

Ceylan: What

Yasmin: Nothing *runs and gets him lime parfait*

Chooki: Your just cruel

Ceylan: Enjoy this while it lasts

Chooki: Whatever

Yasmin: Before I end the day, I will say my dare, I dare that for the following next ten chapters, nothing to do with love is allowed to happen

Chooki: That's what her dare was, first it was to get the girlfriends to ignore us but she changed it

Yasmin: Best dare I ever dared

*Link from legend of Zelda appears*

Link: Thanks for their questions and dares, vote, comment, comment questions and dares, follow Yasmin, read her other books and they'll see yu guys next time on ask or dare the tenkai knights *disappears*

Yasmin: *facepalms* Seriously

All: See ya next time

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