Sea Puns

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One of the most annoying, yet endearing, traits about Percy is that he always has an ocean-related pun up his sleeve

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One of the most annoying, yet endearing, traits about Percy is that he always has an ocean-related pun up his sleeve. Whether it is when we're in the shower, eating lunch, or hanging out with friends, he slips a pun into our conversation.

Like, one time, we were cuddling in bed, and Jason decided to knock on the door to gather us for training. So, Percy walked up to the door, saw Jason, and greeted him with, "Hello, welcome to the Poseidon cabin, how may I kelp you?"

And another time, he said, "I sea what you did there." after Leo made a joke that wasn't funny at all. That stupid pun was then followed by many others, making me want to repeatedly hit my head against a brick wall.

I found them childish, but secretly cute. Sometimes I would stifle a laugh, or try to hold back a smile, or prevent myself from kissing my boyfriend. Then, he would know that I actually think they're adorable.

"C'mon, Jason, no need to be a beach," Percy chuckled as he nudged the blonde-haired son of Jupiter, who rolled his eyes. "I don't understand why you're so crabby today."

"And I don't understand why you're so annoying today."

"Aww, Grace, I fish you'd be nicer to me."

"And I wish you would shut up."

"Shell I stop then?"

"Please do," I told the childish son of Poseidon.

"Neeks, you too?" Percy gave a faux pout. "Why don't you like them?"

"Because they can get annoying sometimes," I explained.

He gave me a kiss to my temple as he wound his arm around my thin frame. "Why do they get annoying?"

"You're constantly spewing out sea puns left and right, and it is a little too much."

"But, I can't keep them to myself," Percy argued. "That would be shellfish."

I rolled my eyes, holding back a groan and a smile at the same time, as a stupid grin found its way onto my boyfriend's face.

"Why am I dating you?"

"You know you love me, Neeks." He gave me another adorable smile before kissing my lips. It was a slow, but brief kiss, and I soon pulled away, rolling my eyes once more.


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