69. Second And Actual Birthday

Start from the beginning

"I can't believe they're two," Dave said as Meredith stood up and went back to her mini piano. Kurt was playing with a mini drumset Dave had given him this morning.

"Me either. Crazy how things have changed in the past 3 years," I replied as Eric ate.

"Ya. Kurt come get dressed. You don't want all the people seeing you naked," Dave said. Kurt ran over to Dave and hugged him. Dave hugged him back and smiled as he did. Those were moments I loved seeing.

"I love you," I said as he started getting Kurt dressed and Frances ran past us to get the door.

"I love you too," he replied as Jordyn came into the living room.

"Hey Jordyn," I said with a smile.

"Hey. I can't stay the whole time but I'm here til I need to leave. I got called out for a job last minute," she replied as she sat on the couch. As soon as Kurt was done getting dress, he ran right back over to the drumset. I finished feeding Eric and took him out from under the blanket. Dave took him and sat beside Jordyn. These were moments I didn't want to see.

"He's so cute. You guys make cute babies like we did," Jordyn said. I sat there and just smiled and nodded. Dave handed Eric to Jordyn and came over and sat on the arm of his chair.

"It's all this one right here. She's adorable," Dave said as he put an arm around me.

"Well you helped," I replied as I did up my shirt.

Jordyn smiled at us as she held Eric. Frances was running back and forth between the kitchen and the front door as everyone was arriving. Jordyn eventually gave Eric to Pat who asked to hold him and left. She gave Kurt and Meredith a hug before she left before gives me and Dave one as well.

"I hope she finds someone soon," I said as I heard the front door close.

"Well atleast the last two didn't last. I would have killed them if I had known at the time," Dave said as we headed to the backyard where all the guys, wives and kids were.

"What do you mean?" I asked as we were about to walk outside. Dave stopped and looked at me.

"Greg was abusive. Violet told me Jordyn had a bunch of bruises on her arm from him grabbing her during arguments. and that last loser only wanted her because I had," he replied. I stood there in shock.

"That's so bad," I said as we walked outside.

"She'll find a good one," Dave replied as I heard the door bell go again.

"I'll get it. I'll bring you a beer when I come back," I said as I headed back inside to get the door. I opened the front door and saw Scotty and Nick waiting to come in.

"SCOTTY!" I screamed and jumped into his arms for a hug. Once he put me down I hugged Nick quickly.

"I found him outside the airport when I dropped Sophie off and I knew he could only be coming here and I was on ym way anyways," Nick said once we pulled apart.

"We actually planned this a bit," Scotty said as they came into the house and I closed the door. Dave had heard me scream and was in the kitchen getting his beer when we came in.

"Hey Nick good to see you. Glad you could amke it," Dave said as they hugged briefly.

"Nick brought Scotty to see me," I said with a huge grin on my face as I walked up to Dave and put my arms around his waist and looked up at him.

"I see that. Welcome home Scotty," Dave said. I let go of Dave and looked betweent he three men.

"Welcome home?" I asked unsure what was going on.

"I'm moving into the house Dave bought before this one," Scotty replied.

"My og bestie with testies is gonna be living in the same city as me? I am the happiest girl ever," I exclamined as Taylor and Abby came into the kitchen.

"Thanks again for watching the kids," Taylor said as they walked through the kitchen

"Oh my god I am the happiest girl ever. Abby's having her baby," I said as I started jumping up and down.

"Britt stop jumping please," Nick said as he looked away from me.

"They're so much bigger," Scotty said as he looked at me. I got what Nick meant and stopped as Dave gave them each a beer.

"Stop looking at my boobs gees," I said as the oven timer went off.

"I got it," Frances said as she ran into the kitchen.

"Hey Frances," Scotty said as he watched her take a pizza out of the oven.

"Holy crap Scotty," Frances said after took the pizzas out and put them on the counter before running over and hugging him. Frances also hugged Nick as I put more pizzas in the oven.

"Where's the new baby? I want to see him," Scotty said as he watched Frances go back to the pizzas. Thank god for two ovens.

"He's right here and he may need a nap soon though," Nate said as he came in with Eric. Scotty took him and held him.

"He's so cute. Britt you make the most adorable babies," Scotty said.

"I swear to god it's all because of Dave," I replied as all the kids came running into the house with Bowie.

The rest of the guys followed with their wives as the kids went into the living room. Scotty gave me Eric as we all headed to the living room. Scotty offered to keep Frances company in the kitchen while she got the pizzas cut and ready to serve. Dave sat on the floor with the twins while they opened their presents. Chris and his wife had given Kurt a mini guitar and Meredith an adorable American Girl doll. Nate and his wife had gotten them a plastic tea set and a little horse and cowboy hat. Pat and his wife had gotten them a a little mini vaccum and lawn mower. Taylor and Abby got them mini jeeps, one was batman and the other was barbie. Frances had gotten them two playsets, one was a workbench with wrenches and stuff and one was a kitchen. Jordyn had gotten them two little chairs, one with batman and one with disney princesses. After the gifts were open, everyone headed to the dining room for the cake while I took Eric upstairs. I put the baby monitor on my hip and headed downstairs when my phone started ringing. I saw Taylor was trying to face time me.

"Is he here?" I asked when I answered it and saw him.

"You bet he is. Look at him. He's gorgeous," Taylor said as he turned the camera to the front one so I could see the baby.

"Oh my grohl. He's so cute. What is his name?" I asked.

"Oliver David Hawkins. Ollie for short," Abby said as Taylor showed her as well.

"Aww Dave is gonna be happy. The twins are gonna blow out the candles. You guys wanna stay on face time for that?" I asked as I walked through the kitchen and into the dining room.

"Ya. Turn us around so we can see though," Tay replied. I turned my phone around as Dave stood bewtween the twins and lit the candles on their cupcakes.

Everyone started singing happy birthday to the twins, including Abby and Taylor. When we got to the names I added "And Ollie," before anyone could continue. Dave looked at me and saw Taylor and Abby on the phone I was holding. Everyone added "And Ollie," before finishing the song. The twins blew out the candles this time, without help. Everyone said congratulations to Taylor and Abby before Dave took my phone and went to living room. I went and took the candles out and the paper off the cupcakes so the twins could eat them. Everyone went home shortly after because we were all going to go visit Taylor and Abby tomorrow.

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