"Tyler, there's been a wolf watching me lately. Protecting me, like it instinctively knows that I'm part of it's pack. You're a hybrid, you can turn into a wolf whenever you want... Was it you?" She asks.

"No," Tyler answers confused. "but you're right-- only hybrids can control when they change. And I'm the only one left, besides Klaus. Which is why we're here." Tyler says.

"Whatever you think you're doing, you know that whole Original family has always been a fan of me and now they even bigger fans because of this baby. So see what will happen when they find us." I tell him with a little smirk.
"What makes you think I'm afraid to die?" Tyler says to me. Then Dwayne walks in.

"Use ready for this?" Tyler says looking between Hayley and Dwayne.
"What? What are you going to do to Hayley?" I ask worried.
"Let's do it." Dwayne says. Tyler pulls ot a large syringe from his bag.
"What are you doing?" Hayley asks scared. I try to break my zip ties.

Dwayne walks over to me and holds me down.
"Tyler, please. NO! Tyler!" Hayley begs.
"Get your filthy paws of me." I hiss at him.

"Klaus destroyed everything good in my life! So, I'm gonna take away the thing he wants most!" Tyler says.
"I will kill you!" I scream at him.
"NO, PLEASE! TYLER, PLEASE!" Hayley cries and begs.

Tyler jams the syringe into my stomach. I scream in pain and in panic for my baby.

He removed the syringe injects some in Dwayne's neck and then snaps his neck.

"Your turn." He says and walks over to Hayley.
"No!" I shout.
I scream when I hear her neck snap.
"Hayley!" I cry.


"Don't get all judgy! Dwayne knew what he was getting into. He volunteered!" Tyler says at my glare.
"Hayley didn't." I say through gritted teeth.
"Hayley betrayed me and my pack. This is what she gets and anyway it can either turn out to be a good thing or a bad thing. Hayley and Dwayne are werewolves  who died with your blood in their system. The same blood you share with your hybrid baby." Tyler tells me.

"You're trying to turn them into a hybrid? That's impossible!" I say.
"I've been running with wolf packs all over the country. One of them was tight with a witch. She had nightmare visions about your baby and how Klaus could use its blood to make an army of hybrid slaves." Tyler informs me.

"I am sick of these witches and their premonitions about my baby. It's just a baby!" I shout.

"Maybe. Maybe not. That's where Dwayne and Hayley comes in. You see, he was happy to be the test case. If you haven't noticed, these people don't have much to live for. They'd all welcome the chance to become the superior species. Trouble is, all hybrids are sired to Klaus. They follow his every move. No way I let that happen." Tyler says putting a knife on the side.

"Klaus doesn't know about the hybrids." I deny on the verge of tears.

"What do you think? Klaus Mikaelson, killer of men, women and puppies, all of a sudden wants to be a daddy? Or, he's got an ulterior motive. Hybrids can walk in the sun. Their bite is lethal to vampires. They'll take over New Orleans by the end of the week. And you know what's going to stop Klaus then? Nothing. You maybe special to klaus but me and you both know that nothing, not even you or that baby will come between his ulterior motive." Tyler says.

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