Chapter 43 ~Rosa~

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It has been almost a month now sense my mom has tried to kill me. I am now walking and moving like I used to. Today is the day that I am suppose to walk across the stage to get my diploma. But my dad is telling me that I have to stay home for the fact that the doctor has yet to lift my bed rest.

"What are you doing?" Jake asks, walking into the room seeing that I am dressed.

I am wearing a white dress with sequins around the waste like a belt, I have my hair curled and pulled back. I am wearing white three inch wedges, that has glitter all over them. Also the first neckless that Lisa ever got me. 

"Well, once it's like ten minutes before you are suppose to walk, I'm going to walk up to the school. If dad won't let me leave to walk the stage, I'm not going to sit at home while my friends and family walk." I say, finishing getting ready.

"Terry, would you just stop it? This is her one chance to walk to the stage!" I hear Lisa say, as I am walking into the kitchen.

"Why are you all dressed up, you know that you aren't going anywhere, right?!" Dad says to me as I walk in.

"Don't mean I can't get dressed!" I say, getting something to drink. "I don't even see why I have to stay home, this is my graduation, and unlike you, I want to be there. Plus all of my friends and some of my family is walking."

"She's going, Rosa, I'm sorry but I agree that you shouldn't walk. But she has a point, this is her class, her friends, her family. The people who she has grown with. She deserves to go!" Lisa says. "And there is nothing that either of you can say that will change my mind."


We walk into the gym where we always hold the graduation, on either side the bleachers are pulled out, for the family and friends that come to watch the students walk the stage. In the middle of the floor, there are rows and rows of chairs for the class to sit on. On the far side of the gym is the stage that is set up once a year for two or three weeks. Then on the one side of the stage, there is a small set up for the band.

On the stage there are three chairs, that I can tell came from the main office. One for the principle, another for the guest speaker, and the last for the superintendent. The school board sits just above the band on the bleachers.

"So our valedictorian can not be here to share her words, but I would still like to announce her, then the class has asked that we take a moment of silence, for none of them wanted to be the one to take her spot." Mr. Wood says, as someone walks up to him, making him reword his statement. "When I say she can't be here, I mean that she is on bed rest due to an injury, not the fact that she has pasted. Thankfully that is not the case here."

"RosaLena Marie Kage, daughter of Mary Kage and Terry Kage. Twin sister of Jacob Donald Kage. Graduating with a perfect 4.0, the highest of high honors. Every A.P. and honors class that she could take, she did. She did everything in her power to be were she is today. Recently she was in a bad accident that put her on bed rest, is the main reason that she is not here. Like I said the class would like to take a moment of silence for her."

After this, the band seniors all get up and walk over to the band.

"Hi, my name is Jacob, Rosa is my twin as Mr. Wood said. I talked with the band teacher, Mrs. Aikens, and asked her if while we take a moment of silence for my sister, that if we could play a song, that is after I walked with Mr. Wood and got his permission. This next song is for Rosa."

"Hello, I was one of Rosa's many teacher, I was blessed with getting to know Rosa. She was an amazing student, and when Jake came to me asking to learn a new song, one that he had already picked out and paid for, I was shocked to say the least, but I was more then happy to break down this song with my students for her. With no more interruptions, here is Titanium by David Guetta." Mrs. A says.

Once they start playing, I couldn't help the tears that start to flow down my face.

"And I told myself that I wouldn't cry today!" I whisper to dad.

After the song is played, Mr. Wood takes the stage again.

And after long hours of speeches, he is now call students up one by one by their real full name.

"Jacob Donald Kage." Lisa, Dad, Paul, his girlfriend, and I all scream when we hear his name. He turns and looks for me, then points at me. I point back and we both smile.

"Phillip Marshal Shaw." Once again, we all scream, but he only looks at us.

"Remielle Rose Freeman." I scream as she walks up to Mr. Wood shakes her hand.

"Estelle Marie Woodruff." This time it is only Dad and I that cheer for her.

"I was told that Miss Rosa Kage is in the stands.. Rosa, would you like to come down and walk?"

"Don't you..." My dads words fall on def ears as I stand and walk down to the stage.

"RosaLena Marie Kage!" I hear my whole class cheer me on, as well as the band and the rest of the people in the gym.

"I know that I am suppose to be on bed rest at the moment, but after a month and a week of being in bed, I couldn't not be here. Even though my father, wanting the best for me, didn't want me up here. Though I do not know most of you other then your name, you are still my friend and my class mate, and I had to be here to see my class finally walk across this stage after years of dreaming about it, we finally got to live our dreams. As a class even. I was told what you said at the meeting, and I would like to thank you all for your kind thoughts and words!" I say, as I climb onto the stage.


Later that night, we all ended up at my brothers house. I don't think that Paul was ready for this. (sarcasm) For the simple fact that the house was spotless, and there was food prepped.

"And you thought that you would get away with leaving me at home while you all came here and partied it up?!" I asked, as we walked through the door.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Alicia, my brothers girlfriend, asked.

"Well, I know that someone called to let you know that I was in the hospital for about a week... Right?" I say, looking at everyone around me. "Out of everyone in our family, these are the people you forgot to call?!"

"Well, I called Jamie..." Jake trails off.

"No you didn't, I did!" Estelle says, walking into the living room.

"Wait, you were in the hospital?" Paul and Alicia ask in unison.

"Well, I'm not going to be standing to tell this story." I say, taking a seat, with Phillip on my left, JD on my right and El on his right.

Once everyone was seated, I started the story with how I had planed to go to dinner with Lisa and Phil. I then told them the fight that JD and I got into. From there it all went down hill for me. Once I was finished telling them everything that I went through, I was crying, I wasn't full on sobbing, but I did have tears falling down my face.

After the long story, everyone agree to not talk about it anymore, and then went to eat all the food that Alicia prepared for us.

"Uncle Jake, Aunt Rose!" I look up to see that my niece has walked in.

"Bre, what are you doing here?" We ask in unison.

"I couldn't not come see you guys, I mean you did just graduate." She says, giving us both a hug.


~Posted 03/01/2017~

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