Chapter 10 ~Rosa~

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"Rosa!" JD screams "You need to get up, we have school today!" He shouts at me before he leaves.

I look over to my clock, then realize that I'm not in my bed. I look around, to see that I am on the couch in the arms of Phillip.

"Hey, can you let me go?" I ask, shaking him, trying to wake him up.

"Wait, no, five more minutes mom, please!" He say in that sexy morning voice.

"Hate to burst your bubble, but I'm not mom. Plus, we don't have five more minutes!" I say finally getting out of his grip.

"Right, sorry. Oh, are you going to need a ride to school then?" He asks while getting up off of my couch.

"Um, you know what, that would be great. Wait, you don't mind right?" I ask going into my closet to get dressed.

"If I really minded, I wouldn't have asked you, now would I have!?" He asks as he walks into my bathroom.


"Rosa, you weren't at breakfast, why?" Estelle asks as I walk up to my locker.

"Just let me unpack my bag and grab my books, and I will tell you!" I say as I open my locker.

Once I have unpacked my bag, and grabbed my books for the first few classes of the day, I turn to tell Estelle about my morning, when the warning bell rang.

"I'll talk to you in third." I said walking to my first class of the day.

First class went faster then it normally does.

"Oh, my gosh, Rosa, I had the craziest weekend!" McKenzie, a short brunet, that has to wear glasses, who also goes by the name of Kenzie and Kenz, says as I walk into my second class.

My second class is band, my favorite class along with math. I know, crazy right, I like math! No, really, I like love math!

"Please tell me all about your weekend Kenz!" I say looking down at her. Did I mention that she is short? Well she is!

She starts talking about how Aerik said this and that to her, making her heart just melt! I didn't listen much to her, focusing in on my music I needed to learn.

"Alright, today we are going to take some time to clean." Mrs. Aikens, our band director, says.

"Our locker is clean, is there anything else that we need to clean back here?" Emmie asks me as everyone goes to clean out their band lockers.

I took one look around, then shook my head, seeing that everything was already cleaned.


The bell rang just as I finished my Spanish homework. Now I am off to my third class, which just so happens to be Spanish!

"Okay, now you get to spill as to why you weren't at breakfast this morning!" El says, as she sits down next to me!

"I was up late last night talking with my brother and got up late this morning, so he took me to McDonald's for breakfast and then to school!" I say, not even looking up from my work.

"Oh really, then why was he here before you and when I asked him where you were at, he told me he didn't know?!" She asks, making me look up at her. I only shrug and look back down to finish my English homework, so I don't have to take it home tonight!

"Hey Lena, how's it going?" I look up to see that a friend of mine that I met through Kenzie. 

"Oh, hey Taya!" I say back. "I'm good, just trying to not have homework tonight, but you know. How have you been."

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