Chapter 15 ~Jacob~

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"Would you like to go on a date with me this weekend?" I ask into my mirror, thinking that I was alone.

I have been trying to grow some balls and ask Estelle, yes Rosa's friend, out on a date for a month or two now. I'm just not man enough...

"Sorry man, but I just don't roll that way, you should try asking Page, he might!" Aeric walks in scaring the hell out of me.

"When did you get here?"

"I have been standing here for about a minute, not even that long." He says, taking a seat at my desk.

I quickly close my computer, and walk over to my bed to sit.

"Oh okay, so then what can I help you with?"

"Well, I was hoping to find Phil here, I went to his house, but his mom was just leaving with some girl, and his truck wasn't there. So I thought that I would try his other house, but his truck isn't here either. Now, I am stuck with you!" He says, while spinning in my desk chair. 

"Okay, so then what did you want to talk about?"

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Phillip comes into my room as well.

"Looking for you, I wanted to know what you are doing Friday, because I might have this girl that really wants to see you."

"Sorry man, but I already have a date Friday." Phillip says, and Aeric then turns to me.

"What about you?"

"Nope, I have family plans, and can't really get out of them!" I say, and I saw how Phillip started to tense up.

Oh my gosh, he finally maned up, grew a pair and asked my sister out! And I just made him think that she wasn't going to be able to come. Shit!

"Okay, then I am done here, my mom sent me to the store about five minutes ago. I need to get to the store and home in the next three minutes, wish me luck!" Aeric said, and ran out the door faster than a track runner.

"No, we don't really have a family thing this weekend, I just said that to him so I didn't have to go on this blind date!" I say, walking over to my computer, trying to think of a good way to ask Stelle on a date. "I want to take this girl on a date, but I'm not sure as to how I should ask her, how did you ask my sis...." I start, but Phil cuts me off.

"No, I will not tell you how I asked your sister, because you need to come up with your own way of asking this girl." He looks at me, then ask. "Wait, you want to take a girl on a date, and make it last with her?"

"Yes, okay fine. It's Rosa's friend Estelle, the one that stayed over the other night. Is that a bad thing?!" I ask, but all he does is shakes his head.

"No, that is not a bad thing. I was beating myself up earlier because I am turning into that guy we used to always make fun of. But as it looks like, I'm not the only one turning into that guy!" He says as he sits down. 

I look at my computer, and I don't notice that Phillip sees me looking. That is until he gets up and logs into it and finds that I have been talking to her.

I start to think about how I talk with her when I can't sleep, or sometimes it's the other way around. There are time that we just talk, I know a lot about her because of it. She is only the third person that I ever really opened up to. Rosa and Phil are the other two.

"Hello, is there anyone home, or should I leave and come back later?!" Phil asks, snapping me out of my day dream.

"Nope, I'm home. I don't want to be, but I am!" I say, looking up to see that he is trying to hand me my computer.

"Well, I need to go anyways. By the way, you're welcome." And with that he was gone.

I look at my computer to see that he asked Stelle how she would want to be asked out.

'I would want him to have just one tulip and ask me to meet him somewhere only we knew about and ask me while giving me the one flower!'  Is all she said. Great, now I just have to think of a place that only her and I know about.


I am at one of my secrete places, that I come to when I just need to be alone. I have been here for an hour or two, trying to set it up so that I can ask Estelle out on a date.

Once I'm done, and happy with what I see, I get in my truck and drive to get her.

"Hey, I thought that you where... Rosa, and not Jake." Stelle says, as she opens the door.

"Could you get dressed  in a pair of pants and a t-shirt. I wanted to take you for a ride." I say, trying not to back out now.

"Um, yeah sure. Don't just stand out there, come on in!" She says, holding the door open wider. "I will be right back, go ahead and make yourself at home!"

I walk into her apartment and take a quick look around. It was your average apartment, that is for here in our home town. I walked down the hall way to find six doors. Four of them were to the bedrooms, one for the bathroom and the other one is a giant closet.

I walked back out to the living room, and sat down on her couch.

"Okay, I'm ready to go." She walks out in what she was wearing this morning at school, which looks great on her, like everything else that she ever wears.

"Okay." I say, leading her out to my truck.

"So where are we even going?"

"Just wait, I know you will love it. Well, at least I hope so!" I say the last part to myself.

"What was that last part? I couldn't hear you!"

"Oh nothing, just me talking to myself about something stupid."

We then ride in silence, but the good kind, if you know what I mean.


When we get there, I can tell that she is kind of scare.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"Nope, I would never want to hurt you, ever!" I say, meaning every word that I had said.

"Wait, is this a tree house?" She asks, walking over to it and then looks back at me. "I remember you always talking about how you and your dad had built a tree house together, but no one would believe you because the trees in your yard didn't have a tree house in them!"

"Wait, you remember that? I thought that it was just a bad dream, and I just some how came across this place!" I say, trying to remember what had happened myself. "But I did bring you here for a reason!"


I am currently sitting in the family waiting room at the hospital where my uncle is staying.

With nothing else to do, I thought that now would be a good time to update another chapter in my book.

~Posted 10/9/2016~

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