Chapter 11 ~Phillip~

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I have been looking into taking Rosa on a date, so I have been finding out what she likes and dislikes so that I can make this as perfect as I can.

"Do you ladies need a ride?" I ask, making Rosa jump.

"Um, no, I think that we can just walk!" She says, turning around, and shutting her locker.

"Okay, let me rephrase that, I'm here to give you girls a ride whether you like it or not!" I say taking her bag from her.

"Fine, but could you please give me my bag back?!"

"Nope, here, let me get that for you." I take Estelle's bag as well.

"Thanks for the ride that we didn't need! Oh and just so you know she is staying at our house tonight!" Rosa says taking the shotgun seat of my truck.

"Okay, so does that mean we need to stop by her place to get clothes?" I ask once everyone is in.

Rosa looks over to Stelle to see if that was okay with her.

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks!" Stelle answers.

Once we get to Rosa house, I really want to get out and help them with their bags, but I don't.

"Okay, can you tell your brother that I will be over later? Thanks!" I say as I pull away from the house. I really wanted to stay, but I need to go talk with someone first. Then I will be at their house for the night.


"Phillip, honey, what are you doing home, I thought that you where staying at the Kage's for the week?!" My mom greets me with a hug and a kiss to the forehead.

"Well, you see, I need advice and the person I normally go to is busy. So I thought that I would come to you." I say going into our kitchen, taking a seat at the small island that we have.

"Rosa got a friend over?" She asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't try and fool me, I know that you go to Rosa for advice when needed!" She stand on the other side of the island looking at me. "If you want to know how, you are going to have to ask her!" She says when I don't answer, looking confused.

"Okay, so, oh and please don't make a big deal out of this!" I say looking down at my hands. "But I have this, crush, I guess that is what you would call it, on this girl, and I have done everything that Rosa has told me to do, but I don't think that she even notices me, still!" I say looking back up.

"Finally, you have finally told me. I have known for a while now, I just have been waiting for you to say something to me about it!" She comes around the island to hug me. "But What have you been doing to get her to notice you?"

"Well, I go up to her and make small talk, learning what she likes and dislikes. I get her food, I even offer her a ride to and from school! I just don't know what else to do!"

"Well, what is her favorite flower?"

"Well, she loves roses, but she tells everyone that it doesn't matter, not wanting them to spend money on her."

"Okay, favorite restaurant here in town?"


"Okay, now all you have to do is go to the flower shop, get her a dozen or two of roses, then ask her on a date and take her to Trevie's!" She says taking my hands into hers. I take a minute to study her.

She is much shorter than I am, but her true age is really starting to show. I don't tell her this, because every time she asks, I just tell her that she doesn't look a day over twenty-five.

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