Chapter 36 ~Rosa~

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I can't believe it, he is embarrassed about me knowing that he struggles with school. I run over to his room, nocking on his door, but he doesn't answer. I open his door to find....
I find his dead body.....

Okay that isn't what I really find, I don't find anything at all. I walk in and look around to see if maybe he is just trying to get away.

"JD, I would like to talk with you!" I call out, but get nothing. Great, I really messed up this time.

I take a seat at his desk. I don't know what else to do, like I said, I messed up this time! I look at his computer. I don't want to, but before I know what I am doing, the computer is on and logged in.

I don't know how long I was on there, and what I even got on there for in the first place. I find that I am reading into something that I don't remember looking up.

"What are you doing?" I look up to see Jake standing there, I don't even try to hide the fact that I was on his computer.

"Um, I was looking for you, that is until I found your computer. It was already on and logged in, I was looking at something then I don't know what really happened...... I'm sorry!" I say, getting up, completely forgetting that I didn't log off his computer.

As I am walking out the door, he calls my name. I look back to see that he is looking at his computer, and I notice that he is trying not to laugh.

"Out of everything to look up, or go through on my computer, this is what you do?" He asks me, as I look back at the screen, where I had been looking at books to buy.

"What else did you think that I would do? I love books, you can tell just by looking into my room.... I have been in need to get a new one anyways...."

"I thought that Phil just bought you one."

"What are you.... Oh, that one? Yeah, I finished that the day after he bought it for me." I say, trying to remember what the name of the book was.

"Sometimes, Ro, I worry about you!" He says as I walk out of his room.


"When is the next time that Jamie is coming over?" I can barely hear Estelle ask me, as I am reading a book.

When I look up, I'm kind of in a daze from the book that I am reading. As my eyes come back to reality, I notice that Stelle is looking through my books.

"Hello?" Stelle is now standing in front of me. "Earth to Rosa!"

"I'm listening, but why is Earth calling me?" I can't help but ask, just to see what her face would look like. "What? You're the one that said it!"

"Not the point, I asked you a question you have yet to answer me on!" She says, moving away from me.

"Well, what is this question that you asked? You know that I wasn't listening, so you are going to have to repeat it!" I know she is not happy with me about it, but I say it anyways.

"When is the next time that Jamie is coming over?" She asks one more time. "I want to play that card game that she has."

"I don't know, she didn't say, and I didn't ask! And do you mean Cards Against Humanity?" I say, getting up and putting my book away. I am done reading this for the night.

"What are you doing?" I look over to Stelle. 

"I'm getting my school things ready for tomorrow, plus that book is giving me a head rush." I say, walking into my closet.

"Hey, I talked with Echo, and she said that Ann has to work tomorrow, but that the three of us can go play soccer if you would like." El says, as I walk out of my closet.

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