Chapter 31 ~Rosa~

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El and I have been here at the house for a while, that is after we got her clothes and stopped for food.

I have been reading a book for school for about an hour. We just got it today and are suppose to take like two weeks to finish it, but I'm almost done with it. I have been nodding off here and there. 

I feel something, maybe someone, climb into the bed, next to me, I don't know who or what it is, that is before I can smell them. 

"Hey, what time is it?" I start to sit up.

"Hey, just lay down, it's half past nine! Why don't you go back to sleep and I'll wake you in the morning." He says, stroking my hair.

"Or, you could go change!" I say, looking at him.

He does just that, I wait til he is in my closet, knowing that I have a pair or two of his sweats in there. While I'm waiting for him to come back out, I turn on a movie, almost back to sleep, again.

"Come on, you are just in time, the movie is just starting!"


"Hey, it's time to get up!" Estelle says, shaking me awake. As I get ready to sit up, Phillip rolls on top of me.

"Phil, you need to get off of me!" I say, trying for soft and easy, but that doesn't work. I hear foot steps before I give him the best wake up call to get... "PHILLIP!"

"I'M UP! I'm up!" He says, sitting upright, at this, he looks around..... "Wait, why am I up this early?"

"Stelle came in to wake me up, and you rolled on top of me. I have to shower before I can go anywhere and well, with you on top of me, I couldn't get out of bed!" I say, getting up and walking into my bathroom.

After I have showered and re-clothed myself, I walk into my room, to find that Phillip isn't in here. So, I walk over to my door, hearing faint voices.

"Can't you just stay here with me?!" I hear Jake's voice, I think talking to Stelle. "Wait, where are you going?"

"With her! Well Rosa, but they are both going to the same place..." Phil starts to mumble.

"What!? You're going to ditch me, and, dare I say it, go to school?" Jake starts to shout.

"Well, yeah! I mean I know that we only have, what a..."

"Month, a month left of school, you don't have to come if you don't really want to. I would be staying home, but I have already missed one day, I can't afford to miss another!" I cut him off, walking out of my room.

"C'mon Jake, just come with us. what is missing one skip day?!" Phillip says, looking over to his love sick friend.

"Fine, I'll come, just let me clean up and get dressed!" He walks back into his room and closes the door.

"We should go get some food!" I say, walking down the stairs.

"You know where the kitchen is, why don't you go?" Estelle says, walking behind me.

"That's not what I mean't, and you know it!" I say, turning to look at her. "BTW, did you even sleep in my room last night?"

"Well... About that... Yes?" 

"No she didn't, last night at the end of the movie, she came into your room and grabbed some of her clothes and walked back out!" Phillip says, walking into the conversation.

"Nobody asked you!" Stelle says, stomping into the kitchen.

"No, but when I asked you where you were going last night, you avoided the question and just left" Phillip counters back at her.

"Wait, where was I?" I ask.

"Sleeping." They say at the same time.

"Oh, okay, wait!.... Please tell me that you didn't..." I start to say, but she cuts me off.

"Are you kidding me?! I wouldn't even be up right now, I would have taken up his offer to just stay home and cuddle!" El says, kind of screaming.

"So no little ones then?!" I ask, just to be sure that they didn't do the dirty last night.

"Wait, I'm confused!" I look over at Phillip and see that he is lost on what we are talking about.

"Rosa is thinking like a naughty little girl!" Jake says, walking in to the kitchen. "And, no Rosa, no little ones anytime soon... Maybe in like five years!"

"Oh?.... OH!" Phillip is finally catching on to what we are talking about.

"What about you, huh?!" Estelle asks, looking me in the eyes.

"Really? You really want to go there?!" I ask, to witch she nods. "Okay fine, I'll tell you all about it later at school, because I wouldn't want to make my brother have to image it!" 

"Wait, what?!" Jake asks, looking ever so confused.

"Well, you know, you shouldn't have to hide this from your brother!" Phillip says, playing along with what I am getting at.

"No! Absolutely not! I refuse to even think let alone be told that it's true!" Jake says, looking at me, then to Phillip. "Tell me that it's not true!"

"Sorry, but I can't tell you that, without it being a lie!" I say, stepping into the conversation. I watch as he gets really mad. "Jake?"

"You did that with my sister, and you didn't even bother taking it up with me, first?!" Jake asks, well more like yells.

"Jake." I say, but I know that my voice is falling on deaf ears!

"Hey man, I never did anything to your sister, other than what she let me!" Phillip says, backing away from the angry Jake.

"JAKE!" I scream this time, having enough of this.

"WHAT?!" He yells back at me, turning away from Phillip and over to me.

"Stop yelling at me! I haven't done anything wrong." I say, and he goes to say something, but I'm not finished with him yet. "No, I haven't done anything with him, or anyone. You need to stop yelling at me and him!"

"Why don't I believe you?! You need to stay away from him!" He says, looking me in the eyes.

"You can't tell me what to do! If I still want to see him, then I will, even if you don't like it!" I says, grabbing Phillip's arm and dragging him outside, and over to his truck. "Just take me to school." 

"I was thinking..."

"Please, just take me to school!" I say, cutting off what he had to say.

"No, you need a day off and away from him! I know that your twins and everything, but this is going to be the day that you two spend apart." He says, backing out of the drive way and going the opposite way of the school!


So I know that I was finally able to update on the weekend, but I just wanted to update this anyways.

~Posted 01/03/2016~

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