Chapter 32 ~Jacob~

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"Jake, you know that I would love to stay here, but I need to go to school!" Stelle says, walking out of my room.

"Why don't you just stay here and cudd......." I stop mid-sentence, looking over to Phillip then back to Stelle.

"No, please go on, act like I'm not even here!" He says, hopping to hear the rest of what I was saying to Stelle.

"Can't you just stay here with me?!" I look her in the eyes, really wanting to stay home. "Wait, where are you going?"

"With her! Well Rosa, but they are both going to the same place..." He starts to mumble.

"What!? You're going to ditch me, and, dare I say it, go to school?" I look at him like he is a crazy fool!

"Well, yeah! I mean I know that we only have, what a..."

"Month, a month left of school, you don't have to come if you don't really want to. I would be staying home, but I have already missed one day, I can't afford to miss another!" Rosa cuts him off, walking out of her room in a fancy looking outfit.

"C'mon Jake, just come with us. what is missing one skip day?!" Phillip asks

"Fine, I'll come, just let me clean up and get dressed!" I walk back into my room and close the door.

I run to the bathroom and quickly clean up, and get  dressed in nice clothes.

I am walking down the stairs when I hear Rosa asks Stelle where she slept last night.

"Well... About that... Yes?" Stelle answers.

"No she didn't, last night at the end of the movie, she came into your room and grabbed some of her clothes and walked back out!" Phillip says, walking into the conversation.

"Nobody asked you!" Stelle says, stomping into the kitchen.

"No, but when I asked you where you were going last night, you avoided the question and just let" Phillip counters back at her.

"Wait, where was I?" Rosa asks.

"Sleeping." Phillip and Estelle say in unison.

"Oh, okay, wait!.... Please tell me that you didn't..." Rosa starts to says, but Stelle cuts her off.

"Are you kidding me?! I wouldn't even be up right now, I would have taken up his offer to just stay home and cuddle!" Estelle says, kind of screaming.

"So no little ones then?!" She asks.

"Wait, I'm confused!" Phillip says, looking really confused.

"Rosa is thinking like a naughty little girl!" I say, walking in to the kitchen. "And, no Rosa, no little ones anytime soon... Maybe in like five years!"

"Oh?.... OH!" Phillip is finally catching on to what we are talking about.

"What about you, huh?!" Estelle asks, looking Rosa in the eyes.

"Really? You really want to go there?!" Rosa asks, to witch Stelle nods. "Okay fine, I'll tell you all about it later at school, because I wouldn't want to make my brother have to image it!"

"Wait, what?!" I asks, ever so confused.

"Well, you know, you shouldn't have to hide this from your brother!" Phillip says, playing along with what I am getting at.

"No! Absolutely not! I refuse to even think let alone be told that it's true!" I say, looking at Rosa, then to Phillip. "Tell me that it's not true!"

"Sorry, but I can't tell you that, without it being a lie!" Rosa says, stepping into the conversation. "Jake?"

"You did that with my sister, and you didn't even bother taking it up with me?!" I ask, well more like yell.

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