Chapter 41 ~Jacob~

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I had just got out of the bathroom, and was walking into the living room. I could hear Phil talking with his mom. It has been about a week, maybe two, now that Rosa has been out of the hospital.

"Here, take this to her." His mom says.

"Why? She's not going to take it anyways, she hasn't been eating at all." Phillip answers.

"Here, I'll take it to her." I say, walking in from the living room.

"Jake, why are you even bothering with it? We all know that she isn't going go eat it." He says, not wanting to force her to eat.

I know that he is right, but I still walk back to his room with the food. I have to at least try.

"Ro, are you awake?" I ask, walking into the room. When she doesn't answer, I get really worried. Once I'm in the room, I see that she isn't even in the room. I look to the bathroom door and it's closed. I walk over to it and knock.


"I'm in the shower, I'll be out in ten!" She yells back.

I nod, even though I know she can't see me, then I leave the plate on the bed side table. Walking out, I see that Phillip and his mom were both standing there.

"She took the food?" Lisa asked, with shock written all over her face, as well as Phillip.

"No," I shook my head, "she was in the bathroom taking a shower, said to give her ten. So I left the food on the bed side table and left.." I say, not sure why they were looking at me like I had magical powers.

Lisa walks into her room, while Phillip walks back to the kitchen, with me in tow. He hands me a plate of food, which I take gladly.

Once I am finished eating, I wash the dishes, even though Lisa tells me to go watch TV with Phillip. Just as I am finishing, someone puts another plate in the sink.

"Just when you think you are done..." I mumble to myself.

"Oh shut up, will you!" I hear Rosa say.

"Wait, you ate?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Some, but not much. I really wasn't hungry, I thought that I might as well try, because I know you guys were getting worried about me not eating." She says, not really looking at me.

"Will you please look at me?" I ask, and when she does, all I can see in her eyes is pain. "Go lay down, and don't worry about worrying us, we will be fine!"

"Jake it's been a week and a half since I've been home, I need to start eating, and getting out. I need, no I want, my strength back. And I can't get it back if I don't start eating properly!" She says, looking me dead in the eyes, even though her eyes hold a lot of pain, they also held truth.

"Only if you promise not to over do yourself!" I say, even though I already know she will.

"Jake, who are you...." Phillip walks into the kitchen with his head down, but once he looks up to see Rosa, he stops talking. "Your up."

"After everything, that's all you have to say to me?" Rosa asks, kind of shaking her head.

"Well, I'm kind of speechless at the moment. I didn't think that you would be up yet." Phillip says. "You look like your in pain, why don't you just go lay down."

"Because, I want to walk across the stage and I won't be able to do that if all I do is lay around in bed all day for the next two weeks." Rosa says, not wanting to listen.

"Hey, can you boy's run into town for me?" Lisa asks, walking into the kitchen not noticing that Rosa was in the room.

"Oh, let me, I need to get out of the house!" Rosa says, walking over to the counter to write down what ever it is that Lisa needs.

"Alright, here, I already have it wrote down." Lisa hands Rosa the list, looking down at her phone. Once she looks up to see who she is handing the list to, she stops and bring her hand back to her side. "Wait, no, you are not leaving the house. You are to be in bed for about another two weeks."

"Well, I only have a week before graduation so if you like it or not, I am going out to get what ever it is that is on your list." Rosa takes the list from Lisa's hand, and walking out the door. That is with Phillip right on her heels.

"I'll drive you!" He shouts after her.

"What the hell just happened?" She asks, looking at me like I have all the answers in the world on my hand.

"She wants to start moving around, even though she is in pain still. She wants to walk across the stage at graduation. I don't know about you, but I know her and she is not going to stop until she gets what she wants. I wouldn't fight her on this one Lisa." I say, putting away the last dish.

"Thank you for washing all the dishes Jake. You do know that I have a dishwasher right there, right?" She asks, pointing to the dishwasher as she spoke about it.

"When did you get that?"

"A year or two ago."

"Oh, okay. Well now you don't have to worry about running it. Your welcome." I say, walking into the living room.


"Shit!" I hear someone scream. Wait, was that Rosa?

I get to see if everything is okay. I was in the dinning room trying to finish what little homework I had.

I walk into the kitchen, no one was in there, so I make my way to the living room. When I get into the living room, I see that Rosa is on the floor.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" Lisa and I say, well more like ask, in unison.

"I told her not to, but she is too bull headed to listen. I said that she would only get hurt and that mom wouldn't let her leave the bed if she were to find out. She only ignored me, she just shut me out, I still can't get her to talk to me." Phillip says, kneeling next to Rosa, as she is balled up on the floor.

"Rosa, what were you thinking? I know that you want to rebuild your strength, but this is not how to do so." I say so calmly that I didn't even relies that it was me talking.

"I know, but I wasn't in any pain at all, that is until I started to workout. I was only trying to be normal." She says, looking into my eyes.

The only thing that keeps me from really going into full over protective brother mode is the fact that I honestly don't see any pain her eyes.

"Why don't I help you? We will start small, and I know you don't want to, but in order for you to get better, you need to start small. So tomorrow morning, we will get up bright and early so we can start!" I say to her, knowing that she wouldn't go for it.

"Okay, that sounds good, as long as Phil is there in the back ground for back up." She says to my surprise.

"No, I mean yeah that is fine. Wonderful even." He says, before I can even ask him. "Wait, mom, is this okay with you?"

"Even if it wasn't, she would still drag you both out so she can start. I know this girl just about as well as you two do. She is more bull headed then you two combined!" Lisa says.

"Okay, it's settled then, tomorrow morning at six o'clock!" Rosa says, trying to get up. "Okay, can I get a little help here?"

Phillip is the first one to move to help her. I go to help as well, but get pushed away.


~Posted 02/16/2017~

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