Chapter 24~Rosa~

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I haven't been able to get what Robert said to me out of my head.... I have done everything, like talking with Estelle and Lindesy as well as Phillie.

"Do you really think that my voice is that good?" I ask, looking around the room, hoping to find something that will tell me no.

"Ro, I think that you are a great singer, I think that you could even have a chance at it big time, you just need to take up his offer to get better at it so that you would have a chance at the big shot!" Jake says, walking into his room for a moment.

"Rosa, you are finally home! I wanted to talk to you about something!" Phillie comes walking up the stairs.

"If this so called 'talking' involves her lips on yours then no, you two don't need to be talking!" JD says, as he is watching the television.

"I thought that you were okay with us seeing each other?!" Phillip and I say in unison.

"I am, but I'm not okay with you two locking lips!"

"JD, you know that it wont happen, not on my watch that is!" I say, standing up and walking over to Phillip grabbing his hand and dragging him into my room. "Would you like to sit inside or outside?"

"Outside sounds good to me." He says, with a smirk on his face.

"No, that will not be happening, you said that we needed to talk, not to kiss!" I say, knowing what he is thinking!

"Okay, okay, I know that we need to talk, but I would like to go outside and talk!" He says, and that is when I know that he really just wants to talk.

"Okay, fine!"


Once we are on the roof, we sit there, no talking or anything. I was looking off in the distance and couldn't think of why he would want to talk to me alone..... I didn't want to start the conversation, but by the looks of it, he wasn't going to start it either.

"Do you know about the tree-house?" He asks me, while I look out at the street in front of my home.

"Which tree-house are we talking about?" I still don't look at him, just thinking about how he would know about the one tree-house.

"I didn't think that there was more than one..." He drawls out. I then take a minute to look at him. Oh, he means that tree-house that JD and my dad made a while back and dad uses for hunting.

"Sorry, I was thinking about my Grandma's old place. Yeah, I know about the tree-house. Why?" I take this time to look back out to the street.

"Really? I thought that he was just kidding when he talked about that place!"

"Nope, I started to help them build it, but then mom stepped in and they just went on without me." I can't help but feel sad about this. It was supposed to be a group fun project.

The deal was, to have JD and I help Dad build the tree-house, so that way only the three of us knew where it was. We would be the only ones to use it. Then my mother stepped in and now it is just used by Jake and dad because I didn't help build it!

"Wait, why would they ask you to help?"

"Well, you see, before you came into the picture, Jake and I wouldn't spend a minute without the other. So when dad asked Jake to help him build it, Jake said he would, but only if I got to go and help too." I say, closing my eyes, to keep the tears in my eyes. "And I think that is when Mom really started to change. Right after that tree-house was finished, she wouldn't even look at me, it was always Jake this, Jake that!"

"What happened after I came into the picture?" I could tell that he felt sorry.

"Hey, I never said that you coming into our life was a bad thing, I just said that it changed a few things. I know that I'm glad you came. I would have always been stuck by his side and we wouldn't have the things that we have now if that did happen." I say.

"What do you mean? If I hadn't come into your guys life's, you wouldn't be treated like shit!" He says, and I know what he is saying, but at the same time, I don't like what it is about.

"Yeah, but if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be trying so heard to get out of here. I wouldn't have the friends that I have today and most of all, I wouldn't have you!" I say, letting my emotions get the best of me.

"What is so great about me?" I look at him, but he's not done yet. "I mean, I have like the worst grades, I don't even look that good, and my home life....."

"Stop right there, I know that you don't have the best of grades, or home life for that fact, but that doesn't mean anything! At least not in my books it doesn't. You have one parent, yes, but she tries her damnedest to be there for you at all times. My parents? My mom isn't anything like that, and my father won't do anything about it! I may have both my parents, but that doesn't mean shit." I say, starting to scream, but not before I take a breath to calm down. "Now, as for your grades. Yeah, they may not be the best, but that doesn't matter, what matters is what you do after you get your final grades when the time comes. My grades, well won't really help this argument, mainly because I try with all my heart to get the best of the best so I can get the hell out of this house and as far from it as I can!"

"Okay, I have one more question for you before we leave."

"Okay, please, as away." I say, looking up to him.

"When you make it big, like I know you will, can you just remember me, and know that I always had a thing for you. I just don't want you to forget me or how much I liked you!" He then gets up to leave, but not before I pull him back down.


Posting early again due to the fact that I will not be home this week.

Going to my friends Christmas party then I think I might just spend time with my grandma who is still recovering from having surgery.

~Posted 12/09/2016~

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