Chapter 26 ~Rosa~

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He gets up to leave, but not before I pull him back down.


My lips meet his, and he is all for it! As we deepen the kiss, with him on top of me, we hear shouting.

He, while still on top of me, turns to see what the noise is.

"What the hell is going on up there?" I hear a voice, but Phillip is blocking my view, so I can't see who is yelling.

"Nothing, nothing is happening up here!" He yells back.

"Who is it?" I whisper ask, really wanting to know who is there.

"Nobody...." He turns his head just a little, just so that I can hear what he is saying.

"Don't you dare tell me nobody, when you know damn well that I know someone is down there!" I say, cutting him off.

"Okay, so there is someone down there, but we don't know him!" He says.

"Don't you lie to me!" I say, getting ready to push him from my view, but he moves on his own.

"So...." He starts and trails off.

"Why would you think that I would forget about you?" I ask, bring up the topic we were on earlier.

"Because, I know that you are going to have options that will take you away from me and I just don't want you to forget me." He says.

"That wont happen, because if I get to leave, then you get to leave too!" I say, moving to be right next to him.

"No, I don't want..." 

"Don't even try to change my mind. My mind has been set for a while now, I want you to be there next to me if I do get to make it big!" I say, pausing, making him think that I was done talking. "I know that most would think that I would want my brother or one of the girls with me, which is what took me so long to make up my mind. But in reality I really want it to be you with me!" 

"Then let me take you on a date this weekend." He looks me in the eyes.

"Just me and you?" I ask and he nods. "Sorry, but that will have to wait until next weekend. We have a double date with my brother and some girl this weekend!"

"What? Since when was this planed? I don't remember agreeing to this."

"Well, you didn't really. Jake asked me about it the other day and I asked if he asked you but he wanted to talk to me first. I said that I wanted to talk to you first before I said yes for the both of us." I say, snuggling into his side. His arm over my shoulder.

"Ro... Oh, hey. Mom is looking for you, I told her that you were in the bathroom like ten minutes ago!" Jake says, popping out of my room.

"Okay, I'm on my way in. Oh, and we are in for this weekend!" I say, climbing back into the house.


"Okay, so do you know your scale?" Rob asks me. Yes, I took him up on his offer. With some pushing and shoving my E, Ann, and Phillie.

"I know my scales on the Xylophone and the Flute. But not when it comes to singing..." I say the truth.

"Okay...." He walks over to the piano and starts to play it.

I stand there like a fool, hoping that this works out.

He hit one note and looked at me, I used my voice to match the pitch.

Three hours of pitch matching later, I am draining water bottle after water bottle. Now if you asked if I know my scale, I can say yes. Along with the Xylophone and the Flute.

"Know that is what I call a vocal scale!" Rob says, coming around the piano to pick up his guitar. "I have this song printed off, I thought that maybe you like to try this out..." 

I look at the sheet that he hands me. Around the River-bend.... Okay, I think that he may be a good person to be friends with! 


"So, how did the lesson go?" Jake asks, as I walk up the stairs.

"Oh, good, everyone is here!" I say, then walk into my room. I don't want to face anyone at the moment. I just want a nice cold shower. then a nice hot one.... Yes, it take me two showers, but only sometimes.

"Nope, you don't get to hide on us!" I hear a female voice, but don't bother turning around to see who it belonged to.

"Yes I do, I get to go hide in my shower!" I say, then slam my bathroom door shut and lock it. I walk into my closet to find none other than Phillip.... 

"What do you want?" I ask, looking for something nice to wear after my shower.

"Everyone wants to know how the lesson went. I guess I am the only one that knows about that door." He says, pointing at the door behind me.

"Well, everyone is going to have to wait until after my shower." I say, grabbing my cloths and turning around. "And, no, you may not join me!" I say, then slam the other door shut and locked it as well!


"And she finally comes out of her room!" I look up to see that everyone was indeed here, and waiting for my to spill on what happened today.

"Hey, I don't want to hear it, today was a long day and all I wanted to do was take a shower!" I say, taking a seat next Phillie.

"I have lived with you my whole life, and not once have you ever taken that long to take a shower!" JD says, not taking my side on this.

"Hey, just give the girl a break, she did say it was a long day! If she wants to take longer than normal in the shower then let her. I mean it's the least that we can do. We aren't the ones who had to go through what she did." Phillie says, taking my side in this... Unlike my trader of a brother.

"I have one word for that.... Whipped...." Aerik pipes up.

"Hey, you leave him alone!" I say, taking his side, just like he did for me.

"So, how did the lessen go?" Echo asks, trying to turn the topic away from killing each other.


Just because!

~Posted 12/20/2016~

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