Chapter 17 ~Rosa~

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"I don't know why I always let you drag me to the mall." I say, coming out of the dressing room with a aqua blue shirt on, paired with dark blue jeans. The shirt selves came down to my elbows. There are these black jewels that form a belt like band around the waist.

"I do, because you never got to do this with your own mother, so you are soaking up every minute that you get to do it with me!" Lisa says, looking me up and down. "Now all you need is some shoes to go with your outfit."

"I haven't even got to see what I look like." I say, walking up to the full body mirror. "Okay, never mind, I don't think that I can do this....."

"Would you stop it? You are getting this outfit!" She then pushes me back into the dressing room telling me to meet her at the check-out.

Once I am done, and we argue about who is going to pay for the outfit, we walk over to the huge shoe store that they have.

"Oh my gosh, look at these shoes!" Mom says, shoving the shoe in my face. I look at them, then at her.

"Do you really think that it is a good idea to put me in heels?" I ask, trying to remember the last time that I was in heels. It wasn't pretty!

"Okay, fine, what would you like then?"

"How about flats?" I ask.

After about an hour of looking I find these really cute heels. I know that I said no heels, but there is nothing in this store when it comes to flats. They are black, with straps that come up my ankles. I find my size and try them on. I really like them and think they would look good with the jewels on the shirt.

"Oh my gosh, those would look great with the outfit, you are so getting those!" Mom says coming into view.

"Okay, but I am paying for them!"

"No, no you are not. I will pay for them just like I paid for your outfit!" We then walk to check-out, her paying for them, with me looking really mad.

"So, are you hungry? I know that all this shopping made me hungry, where should we eat?"

"Taco Bell!" I say, running over to the line, which was short.

"Thank you, for everything. I don't know what I would do without you!" I say, as I throw our trash out.

We then drive home, she drops me off at home, before disappearing into the night. I had thanked her the whole way home, and she kept telling me to stop that it was nothing. All I wanted to do was go up to my room, sleep for tomorrow and nothing else.

"Where on earth have you been? I called you five times and you never answered!" My mom screams at me as I walk into the house.

I look at my phone, to find that in fact no one even tried to call me.

"I don't see..."

"Save it, go to your room, and cancel all the plans that you have, because you are grounded for the next month. I want you home by three-thirty and no later after school!" And she then walks into her room, slamming her door.

"I will talk to her, it's only seven-thirty now." My dad says. "And she never even called you did she?"

"Nope, the last time she called me, was two months ago, all because she had butt dialed me!" I say, looking at my phone one last time. Dad shakes his head, walking into his room, calling out my mothers name.

When I get to the top of the stairs, I have six pair of eyes on me.

"What the hell was that about?" Jake, Phillip, and Aeirk all ask at the same time.

"Mom, she claims that she called me hundreds of times, but I have nothing on my phone from her. So, why is everyone here?" I ask, not sure as to why everyone is here.

"Just watching a movie. Hey, did you go shopping without us?!" Echo jumps up and grabs the bag from me.

"Wait, girls, lets go into my room." I say, dragging Echo into my room, only because she has a death grip on my arm and the bags. "Chelsey knows this, but I have been getting flowers, so I got myself a date outfit to see what I could do?" I say, pulling out the outfit and the shoes.

"Dang!" They say in unison.

"Here, give me like two minutes, and I will model them for you!" I say, walking into my bathroom.

When I walk out, there are not just three, but five pairs of eyes looking at me, from head down to my feet.

"For once, I love it, and agree that you should wear this. Now go change into cloths for the movie!" JD says, pushing me back into the bathroom, just as Phillip walks into the room.

"What? But I wanted to see what she had got!" I could hear him say, just as I walked into my closet to get my pj's to wear for the movie.

I made it half way through the movie before I had fell asleep, on Phillip for a matter of fact.

"Rosa, where are you? I told you that I wasn't going to hurt you!" I hear someone say, but I don't really know who.

"How can I trust someone I don't know?" I scream, from a hole that I have been hiding in for a while.

"How can you say that, you are the one that knows me best!" They say, getting closer and closer.

"What do you mean, I would be able to tell if I know you by the sound of your voice!" I say, now in a tree, wait, how did I get in this tree?

"How can you not know who I am? I am the one that you love, the only one that you have ever loved. Rosa if you would just only open up your eyes, you would see that!"

That is when I opened my eyes.


So, I have been thinking about updating here and there. I just never get the time to update.

I know this weekend, I have a wedding to go to. I don't have any school tomorrow, which would be Friday.

I wanted to get this chapter up. I will try to get the next chapter up on Sunday, and I know that I said that last week too, but I am really going to try to this week!

I'm sorry it's so short... I didn't realize that this chapter was this short..... Hope you enjoy!

~Posted 10/20/2016~

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