Chapter 1 ~Rosa~

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"Is Rosa going to be there?" I hear my brothers super annoying friend ask.

"No, I won't be there. I have other plans with other people, people who I can actually call friends!" I say walking out of my room.

"Well, look who took her sassy pills this morning!"

"I'm not in the mood for any fights, this weekend is suppose to be about me and my sisters. And I'm not going to let someone like you take that joy away from me!" I say staring down at Phillip, with those dark green eyes that feel like they freeze time!

Phillip is a little taller than me, with short and curly brown hair. His eyes are like black holes, only they are green. When you look into his eyes, it's almost like everything around you is gone and time has frozen.

"Phil, would you please just leave her alone?" I hear my brother Jacob, or Jake, or to me and only me JD, say as he walks back out of his room.

"That's right, twins!"

"Yeah, now if you don't mind, please move out of my my way?" I ask and he jumps right out of my way.

"Wait, Rosa, where are you going to be?"

"Ann and Echo are picking me up, but to answer the question, we are going to the McClew property for the weekend, why?"

"Here, take these then!" He says, throwing me his truck keys.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"My man Phillip, here, won't mind giving me a lift, plus he's gonna be coming back here anyways."

"Why are you being so nice to me, and you do know that mom will be mad when she finds out that you let me drive the truck?!"

"It's not only my birthday, it's ours. Dad told me that I had to share the truck with you anyways. And if she still throws a fit, I will deal with it, not you! Now go before your late to your own party!" I nod, also giving him a small smile to show the thanks that I didn't say out loud.

As I was getting into the truck, I see another car pull in. Ann and Echo!

"Hey, JD is letting me use the truck, so you can just head out." I say giving them a small smile.

I go to get back into the truck when I see Phillip come up.

"Hey, I hope that you know that I did remember that it was your birthday."

"I thought that we agreed that none of what we talked about would be said to J.. Jake!"

"Wait, you didn't tell him? I promise I haven't said a word to him!"

"Never mind, I have to go before I'm late."

"No, Rosa, wait. I wanted to talk to you first." He stops me. I motion for him to get into the truck where it was warmer.

"I wanted to see how you were doing, and ask if they even noticed you today."

I looked down, he is the only one aside from me that knows whats going on with me and my parents. I know he didn't mean to walk in at that time, it just happened to happen. This happened about two or three months ago, but he has come to talk to me about it every once and a while. When we talk, I make him promise not to tall anyone.

"Me? I'm fine, and my parents? Nope, Why would they want to care about their great daughter, when they have a perfect son!" I say with a small sigh.

"No, if anything, you are the perfect one. I know that Jake is a smart kid and all, but he doesn't act like it most of the time. I know for a fact that it should be you getting their attention because all he ever does is jack off." He says while lifting my head to make me look at him.

"I know what you mean. I think, back when we first talked, that JD over herd us talking because ever sense then he has been around and talking to me more." I pause to take a breath, but before I can continue, Phillip takes over.

"Why is it that when your around your friends, you call him JD, but when your around the boys and I you call him Jake?"

"You know, I never really understood that myself. I guess I just feel like I know that the girls wont start calling him that, where as I know that some of the guys would call him that just to make him, or me, mad."

"Oh, okay. Anyways, back to the topic that we were on before hand."

"Right, so is there anyth....." I get cut off by my own phone. "Hello?...... I'm sorry, my dad needed my help with a couple of things, I'll be there in ten. Promise." I say as I look over to the guy sitting next to me.

"I think that I should get back to your brother, I told him that I needed to get something out of my truck, and I know that he knows it doesn't take that long." He says reaching for the door, but stops half way. "Happy Birthday Rosa, have fun and be safe, bye!" He then gets out of the truck and waits for me to back out.


True to my promise to the girls, I get there in less than ten minutes. As I'm getting out of the truck I have one crazy girl running full speed at me.

"YOU'RE LATE!" Remielle screams at me as she tackles me to the ground. Remielle, or Remmy, and sometimes Rem, is the crazy one of our little group. She is tall, but not too tall, has short black hair and deep dark brown eyes.

"Wait, where did you get this truck?" Estelle asks. Stell, or to me El, is short, with dark brown hair, and green eyes.

"Roz, why are you driving that? I thought that it was JD's truck?!" Echo asks. Echo is crazy, but nothing like Remmy. She is short, but not short short, has long dark brown hair with brown eyes as well.

"How did you get the keys from him?" Annabelle, Echo's sister, asks. Annabelle, Ann, Anna, Belle, or what ever nick name you could get out of this name, is even shorter then Echo with the same dark brown hair, a little shorter than Echo's though, and eyes. She is the bossiest of the group.

"He just handed them to me. There was no fight or anything." I say, getting off the ground, dusting myself off as well.

"So, can we go back inside?" Rem asks.

"We are only going to be in there for about five minutes, just long enough for me to put my things in there." I say as I grab my bag out of the truck.

As we make our way back to our little hang out, Rem and Echo fall a couple of times.

"Roz, can I talk with you?" I hear Echo asks, making me slow down a bit.

"Yeah, sure. What's wrong?"

"See, that's the thing. I wanted to ask you that!" I look over to her to confused, before she adds. "I saw you talking with him as we were leaving earlier. I just want you to know that I, as well as the other three girls, are here for you. I just would like to think that my friend would come to her close friends for help, and not one of her twin brothers friends."

Oh, she must be talking about Phillie.... I really need to ask him if it's okay to call him that!

"Right... You see.... I don't even know how to put this. It's just that he walked into me having a fight, and he just wanted to make sure that I was okay."

"RosaLena! Who on earth did you get into a fight with?" Ann asks from the from the front of the group.

"Mom, I promise that I didn't do anything that you wouldn't do!" I say, which is a huge lie, knowing very well that she wouldn't treat her mother the way that I treated mine.


~Posted 8/28/16~

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