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Emma was silent as they rode home from the animal shelter, and David wasn't entirely sure how to even begin to ask her about what she'd been through. The awkwardness seemed to take up the entire cab of the truck. David finally settled for simple. He reached across, squeezing her hand.

"It's so good to have you back, Emma."

She nodded, and was spared from having to say anything by the ringing of David's cellphone.

"It's Regina," he said with a smile. "Guess that means we got him."

A short conversation confirmed it, and David pocketed the phone again. "That's one down. The rest we'll just have to wait and see about." He glanced over at Emma. "So he has a solid plan for when Morpheus gets there?"

Emma's forehead creased. "No. No, not really."


"I mean, I was sure that he was going to work it out - or Felix was."

"Felix? Who's Felix?" David was clearly confused.

"I took a magic potion called Felix Felicis, one that brings you luck. It helped me work out how we could get a message to you. I don't remember every detail now that I'm out of there, but I was very, very sure that he had all the components he needed to figure it all out."

"But you didn't actually plan it all?" David asked, warily.

"I didn't feel like we needed to." She looked out the window. "Not then, anyway."

"And now?"

Emma let out a deep, shaky breath. "Now, I'm not so sure. I may have just trapped him in there with that nutcase."

David brought his hand back over to cover hers again. "He found you, Emma. Against all odds, he managed to do it. Both of you reasoned and maneuvered and magicked your way through all of this."

"I know, but - "

"Hook's got good instincts," David said. "But yours are even better. If you were sure he could do this, then I have not one doubt that he can."


Myrtle saw Killian fall and let out a howl, heading right through the wall with a singing Peeves right behind her.

Morpheus walked over to the pile of smouldering robes, carefully poking at them with his wand to be sure they were as they appeared. A glance around the room showed no sign of Killian anywhere. He had been incinerated where he stood.

"Well done, mate," Neville said, entering through the main doors. He walked toward Morpheus, extending a hand. "You must be the new Defense Against The Dark Arts Teacher. I'm Professor Longbottom - Herbology," he added, almost apologetically.

Morpheus looked down at Neville's hand, but didn't take it.

Neville walked over to the pile of robes, nudging them with his toe. He looked up at Morpheus with wary admiration.

"He claimed to be from the Auror's office," Neville said, "But when I sent an owl to check out his story, they'd never heard of him."

Morpheus tucked his wand away in his robes. "Yes, well...he was a renegade and I've taken care of the problem." He glanced around at the room. "I take it magic is easily accessed here?"

Neville gave him an odd look. "For some of us, it's a little harder than others," he said. "But if you're the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, you've arrived a bit early. Professor Mills is still packing up."

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