Born To Be Wild

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Emma gasped at the sudden sensation of losing the sensations she'd just been feeling.

"Are you kidding me?" she griped. "Now?"

"Oh, I think it definitely should be now," said Regina in a purring voice from somewhere behind her.

"Yes! Now! Do it now!" A man's voice said urgently.

Emma turned her head slowly, and her jaw dropped at the sight before her. Regina was standing at the foot of a bed, wearing a skin-tight black spandex catsuit and heels, and she was holding a riding crop. Sidney Glass lay on the bed before her, hands tied to the headboard, and wearing only a pair of red silk boxer shorts.

"Please, my queen," he begged Regina. "I know I've disappointed you. I promise, I'll be more obedient."

"Oh yes, you certainly will. Miss Swan and I will see to that...personally." Regina raised a brow, smiling at Emma.

Emma carefully got to her feet and rocked there for a moment as she realized she was wearing thigh-high boots with stiletto heels, a black leather mini-skirt and a black bustier.

"What is going on here?" she asked carefully.

"I'll tell you what's going on here," Regina said. "We have a naughty, naughty man who needs to be punished. Don't you think?"

"I deserve it!" Sidney said, panting. "Oh, I deserve it!"

"How about we put that on hold for a little while," Emma suggested uncomfortably. "I think we should - "

"Kiss?" Sidney suggested. "Touch each other?"

Emma's eyes went wide. "Huh?"

Regina trailed her fingers across Emma's shoulder and down her arm. "Ooooh. That's an excellent idea. Miss Swan and I can entertain ourselves, and you, you pathetic slug - you can just sit there and watch, helplessly." She gave a little cackle and Sidney nodded his head.

"Yes," he agreed fervently. "I've been a bad boy. I don't deserve your attention. Pretend I'm not even here. And if you catch me should punish me. Severely." He wet his lips, still panting.

Emma rolled her eyes, and stepped away from Regina a little. "Okay," she said. "Here's the thing. I'd love to be a part of this little...scenario...but I've got something I have to do first. two carry on and...uh...I'll be right back." Emma headed for the door.

Regina looked at her quizzically. "Where are you going? We need to take care of Sidney."

"Oh, we will," Emma reassured her, thinking fast. "But anyone can see he doesn't want it badly enough yet. Why don't you tease him awhile and build up the anticipation. I need to go and get an amulet."

"An amulet?" Regina was still confused.

"Yes. It's going to help us. A lot." She looked over at Sidney. "It's a very important amulet and I'm getting it now," she reiterated.

Regina gave her a dismissive wave. "Oh, very well. You get the amulet and bring it back here. Maybe we can take turns wearing it...and nothing else."

"Yes!" Sidney burst out. "Yes, let's do that!"

Regina brought the crop down across the tops of Sidney's thighs. "Did I tell you that you could speak?"

Sidney let out a howl. "N-no."

"No what?" Regina hit him again.

"No, your majesty!"

Emma pulled the door open. "I'll be right back. Just keep on...doing whatever."

Regina gave her an evil smile, reaching down to scratch the head of a cat who suddenly appeared and was rubbing up against her leg.

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