Leftenant Jones

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**Chapter note: Yes, I know it's spelled "Lieutenant" and pronounced differently (here in the states), but for the sake of readability, I went with the phonetic spelling.**

"It's a fine morning, wouldn't you agree, Leftenant?"

Killian turned from his writing to smile at his older brother. "I'm not a Leftenant yet."

"You've gotten the promotion," Liam pointed out. "You've only the ceremony to get through." He consulted his pocket watch. "In less than half an hour, you'll be a Leftenant, and...rumor has it you'll be receiving your orders."

"I'm leaving The Vanguard?" Killian stood up, laying down the quill.

"Aye. You're to be assigned to a new captain. He'll be pinning on your insignia." Liam moved over to the table, closing the ledger book that Killian had been working in. He put a hand on Killian's shoulder at the stricken look on his face.

"Chin up, Killian," he said. "You knew this day would come. You'll make a fine first officer, and the mission has been personally commissioned by the king himself."

Killian forced a smile. "Of course. Do you have any idea when I'm to leave?"

Liam walked over to the cabin door, opening it. "Tomorrow. You leave tomorrow. But for now...let's get up on deck and make you a Leftenant." He clapped his younger brother on the back as they ascended the stairs topside, where the crew was assembled and holding at attention. The townspeople lined the dock, waving ribbons and handkerchiefs in bright colors. Liam moved through the ranks, stopping at the foot of the platform, set below the wheel deck. He gave his brother a smile, brushing a piece of imaginary lint off his shirt collar.

Killian gave him a nervous grin, then ascended the steps to the platform, where he was greeted by the admiral.

"Sir," Killian said deferentially. "Thank you for coming."

"A pleasure," the admiral reassured him. "Always happy to see a man bettering his station. From what I hear, you're a born leader, Mr. Jones."

"Thank you, sir. I hope to earn that praise."

"Shall we begin?" The admiral said. Killian took his place in the center of the platform, and the admiral moved to his side.

"It's time to meet your new captain, Mr. Jones," he said. Killian's eyes moved to the platform stairs, only to see Liam ascending. He walked over and stood in front of Killian, holding the insignia in his hand.

"Welcome aboard, little brother."

"Liam...you've been given a ship?" Killian's eyes were wide.

"Indeed. A very special ship - commissioned by the King himself and made of enchanted wood, to undertake a journey of the utmost secrecy. He wanted me to bring along only the best officers and crew. I told him I needed a first officer that I could trust to the ends of the earth."

Liam reached out, pinning the insignia on Killian's epaulette. "Congratulations...Leftenant Jones." He turned to the assembled crew and crowd on the docks, raising Killian's hand and shouting, "Leftenant Jones!"

"Huzzah! Huzzah!"

The crew and the townsfolk dissolved into cheers as Killian jumped down off the platform, receiving their handshakes and arms about his shoulders. He lost his hat somewhere along the way, and the crew good-naturedly filled it with rum, trying to tip it back onto his head. The merriment went on for a good, long while, until finally, the crowd thinned out, and Killian made his way to the gangplank to wave the last of them off as Liam went below with the admiral to discuss more of the King's business.

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