The Plan And The Pain

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"I don't think I could eat another bite," Emma said, pushing her plate away. "You finished?"

"I'm pleasantly full, but not overly so," Killian said. "Which is ideal if you have plans for the remainder of the evening."

"You have plans?" Emma asked.

"Are you living at home?"


"Then once I get a room, we have plans." He gave her a thoroughly unrepentant grin.

"Subtle," she chided. "I suppose we could rent a room. Maybe watch some Netflix."

He quirked a brow. "My thoughts exactly. Might as well make use of the facilities while we're here."

Emma gave him a smile and pushed her chair back - and of course, Killian beat her to the punch and was ready with an extended hand to help her out of her seat.

"I could get used to this, you know," she teased. "I'm really liking the chivalry."

"And I could get used to you getting used to it," he replied, his eyes twinkling as they met hers. "Is it such a change for me to treat you like you matter to me?"

She flushed. "No, I guess it's not. I just didn't notice as much before."

He brought her knuckles to his lips. "Let's go find that room."


She turned to see who was calling her and saw Belle approaching.

"What's up?"

"You need to listen to me," Belle said. "That man, the one who's stalking Regina - his name is Morpheus, and he's a powerful wizard."

"Emma's eyes went wide. "Wait - how did you - ?"

"There isn't much time before he senses my interference, Miss Swan."

Emma's eyes shifted to Killian, then back to Belle."Mr...Gold? "


Gold continued speaking, from the other side.

"I have Belle's heart and she's sedated and dreaming. I was able to direct her to you but I can only talk this way for a short time. Morpheus has found a way into our world, and has tried to capture Regina, presumably to bring her into the dreamscape. To do so, he'll have to get her to the sphere. If you have any further clues, give them to Belle now - she'll remember them when she wakens."

He paused a moment, though he couldn't hear the reply, in order to give her a chance to speak, then continued.

"We need to attack Morpheus in both worlds simultaneously. Once we find the sphere, I can retrieve you. Morpheus will know we've located it and we will position Regina somewhere nearby to draw him out. When he takes corporeal form, we'll use the sphere to push his physical form into the dreamscape before destroying it - thereby ensuring he is entirely there. Once that's been done, the captain will need to use a special amulet to kill Morpheus - one that can be found in my shop. You'll need to find your way there within a dream and then it can be used against him once he's back in the dreamscape permanently."

"Is it working?" David asked. "Are you getting through?"

Gold nodded, then spoke to the heart in his hand once more. "The amulet is shaped like a diamond, with a bright red stone set in filigree. It's in a black velvet case, just under the register. I have to end this now - we can't risk tipping our hand."

Gold took a deep breath, inserting Belle's heart back into her chest as gently as possible. It was still a jolt that brought her mostly back to consciousness.

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