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"A picnic? Really?" Emma looked at Killian with raised eyebrows.

"That surprises you somehow, Swan?" Killian scooped the picnic basket off the kitchen counter and motioned toward the door.

"Yeah," she answered. "I just didn't figure you for the picnic type."

He gave her a devilish grin. "You've no idea the surprises I have in store for you, love."

Emma rolled her eyes. "I'm supposed to be working..."

"Your father has kindly agreed to cover your shift," he interrupted.

"And Henry – "

"Is visiting Regina this afternoon. She could use the cheering up." He opened the door and looked at her expectantly.

"But what about –"

"Your mother is taking the baby for a stroll and then she's meeting up with Belle to go shopping for baby clothes. Face it, Swan....you've got nothing to do. Absolutely nothing, other than having a picnic with a devilishly handsome pirate." He lifted a brow, daring her to refute him.

"All right," Emma said as she grabbed her jacket off the back of the chair. "But don't think I don't know that you arranged all this."

"I spiked your guns quite nicely, if I do say so myself." He sounded so positively smug, Emma couldn't help but smile as she walked through the door. Once they reached the street, she paused to look around.

"So...walking or driving?" she asked.

"You want to teach me how to drive?" The corner of his mouth lifted.

"Not likely. A gearshift isn't exactly compatible with a hook, I'm afraid."

"I could manage, I assure you. I am amazingly dexterous."

Emma gave him her trademark smirk. "I'll bet." She glanced around again. "Well...it's a gorgeous day outside. I could go for a walk in the sunshine."

He gave her a slight, but mocking bow. "As the lady wishes."

They strolled through town towards the docks at a leisurely pace, with Killian proffering a wave at the occasional gawker. Emma's eyes slid sideways to look at him as she walked.

"Guess it's going to take some getting used to," she said.

"What's that, Swan?" He waved at Dr. Hopper, who'd stopped in the middle of the street, causing Pongo to lurch on his leash a bit.

"You and me....together."

"We're only going for a stroll," Killian said reasonably. "The good doctor looks quite gobsmacked."

"You did threaten to dissect him once," Emma reminded.

"Oh yes. That I did." Killian smiled. "Well, I'm all for letting bygones be bygones and all that."

"I'm just saying it's going to take some getting used to for some people."


"Us." She looked away.

"So you consider us to be an "us?" He said it casually, but the brightness in his eyes belied his tone.

"We're out here walking together with a picnic basket," she pointed out. "I think that's pretty much an endorsement. I'm not known for my picnicking ways."

"In this town there could bloody well be anything in this basket. For all they know, we've got a magical exploding rock in here that's going to wipe the place off the map again."

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