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"This better be good," Emma said, walking through the parking lot. "I barely had time to blow dry my hair."

"I brought donuts," Graham gave her a winning smile, holding out the box.

Emma narrowed her eyes, taking the box from his hand. "I'm a real pushover when there are bearclaws involved," she said, taking one out of the box and biting into it.

"So...what's the scoop?" she asked, around a mouthful of donut.

Graham looked around. "Not sure. Something triggered the motion sensors inside the storage facility. There's nobody working after six, so we've got an intruder."

Emma raised her eyebrows, continuing to munch. "It could be a raccoon, for all we know."

"It tripped two different motion sensors."



Emma swallowed her donut, licking some residual glaze off her thumb, completely unconcerned. "And that means?"

Graham pulled his gun out, checking the safety. "It means...whatever it is, it's big enough to trip two sensors in two different parts of the room at the same time."

"Or we have two intruders."

He nodded. "Either way, I really should have backup. So you'll have to wait to properly style your hair." He raised his brows, and bit his lip endearingly. "Sorry."

Emma rolled her eyes. "Come on. Let's get this over with. I'd like to get back to my exciting social calendar."

"Stay close," he said, pushing ahead of her. He motioned with his head to partially open door, and Emma nodded, drawing her gun.

"You'd think we could see something through all these windows," she said in a low voice.

"They're all covered up," Graham replied. "There must be fifty shades pulled down there." He stepped through the doorway.

They proceeded cautiously down the corridor, listening intently. Somewhere, off in the distance, was a loud clanging sound, followed by a long scrape, and then the sound of a piece of metal clattering to the floor. Graham gave Emma a look, flattening himself against the wall and working his way along the corridor.

The sounds and thumping got louder, sounding almost as though they were footprints, fast approaching from around the bend in the hallway. Emma gave Graham a nod, bracing herself and Graham stepped out into from around the corner.

"Stop right there!" He shouted, pointing his gun. "Not one more step!"

"Are you bloody mad? We need to get out of here!"

Emma stepped out to join Graham, her curiosity getting the better of her. Killian's shoulders sagged with relief.

"Swan! Wonderful! Let's get out of here!"

"Hold on - " she said, putting out a hand. "Do I know you?"

"Yes! And I'll tell you all about it, but we have to go - now!"

Graham leaned down to Emma, speaking in a low voice. "Do you smell the rum?"

"Uh-huh," she replied. "Looks like we've got a live one." She smiled up at him.

Killian watched the exchange. "Who the hell is this?" he asked, gesturing at Graham with his hand.

"You're sure you don't know him?" Graham asked her.


"If I didn't know better, I'd say he was jealous." Graham noted.

"I'd say he was drunk," Emma replied. "I'll get him locked up. You bring the bearclaws." She walked forward, reaching for her cuffs. "Come on, you."

These DreamsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon