Secrets And Silences

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"Just lie back, Regina, and try to clear your mind," Mr. Gold encouraged. "Then look carefully at the pendant as it swings."

Regina was lying on her back on the couch in her office, closing her eyes a moment and breathing slowly in and out.

"So...what? You're going to hypnotize her?" David asked.

"Not exactly," Gold said. "This is much more than hypnosis." He held up the pendant. "This is an enchanted pendant, made expressly for retrieving memories. With it, we may be able to learn a little more about Regina's unwelcome visitor."

"If I remember him at all," Regina pointed out. "I told you, I don't recall ever seeing this guy before."

Gold gave her a look. "Leave that up to me. If he's in there...we'll find him."

Regina closed her eyes obediently.

"Now..." said Gold. "Concentrate on his face..."

Regina's forehead creased, and then she opened her eyes, staring hard at the pendant. David turned his head slowly as the walls of the room began to fluctuate, yawing in and out until they finally dissolved.

"What the...?"

"Shhh." Gold said. "Just observe."

Suddenly, they were in a room, in a castle. A conversation was coming through one of the doorways, and Regina was there - younger, with longer hair, standing at the window, looking out

Present-day Regina sat up slowly, walking over to her younger self. She turned back to look at Gold.

"This is my parent's castle - before I married Leopold," she said. "My mother was talking to someone. I heard my name, and looked to see who was there, briefly, but I was busy watching Daniel - he was re-shoeing my horse."

"You may not actively remember the conversation behind you," Gold said quietly. "But you did hear it."

She turned back around, walking to the doorway, and David came over to join her. She met his eyes as he realized he was listening to Cora.

"I've told you...there's a plan in place. Regina will be a queen." Cora's voice was emphatic.

"I can give her that," said a man's voice in reply. "I have the power to make her anything she wants to be - you know that."

David leaned around the doorway, looking in. He stared at the man a moment, then looked at Regina, shrugging. "I don't know him."

"He's the one," Regina said. "From the dreams."

Cora let out a laugh. "Foolish man! Regina doesn't know what's best! If I gave her what she wanted, she'd be living in a stable with her beloved horse for the rest of her life."

"Do you know who he is?" David asked Regina.

Regina shook her head, then turned to look back at Gold. "You?"

Gold stood motionless, his eyes narrowed. "I know him."

Regina raised a brow. "And...?"

"Morpheus." Gold said the name like an epithet.

Regina's head swung back around as Cora continued.

"My daughter isn't for sale," Cora said. "At least, not to you."

"And if she doesn't do as she's bid?" he asked. "She tried to escape you before."

"Regina will do as she's told," Cora replied coldly.

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