Theories And Proposals

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"Absolutely out of the question," David said. "No way."

"I wasn't asking for your permission, mate." Killian arched a brow.

Regina let out a breath. "Emma is in the dreamscape. That's not the same thing as a sleeping curse."

"The sleeping curse sends you to a burning room - surely that's part of this 'dreamscape'." Killian pointed out.

"Yes," Regina replied. "But it's not like she'll be waiting in the wings. You would have no way of finding her. The dreamscape is as big as the universe, full of the dreams of everyone living. It would be impossible to find her. It's vast."

Gold steepled his fingers, touching his chin thoughtfully. "The pirate may be onto something," he said. "If someone could make contact with Emma within the dreamscape, she may very well be able to tell us where she is."

David's brow knit. "You mean, where the sphere is?"

"Precisely." Gold stretched his hands out across the glass case, considering for a moment. "Within the dreamscape, her subconscious mind is still aware of its surroundings. This will bleed into the dreams she navigates, possibly in very subtle ways. A smell, for instance, or the sounds of traffic. She may have the clues we need to find her."

"Well, if anyone's going in there, it should be me," David volunteered. "I wouldn't even need the curse. You could just drug me into a deeper sleep - like Mulan did with Snow when she was trying to talk to Henry."

"I realize you have a penchant for finding those you love," Gold said with a half-smile, "But in this case, I think the good captain has the best chance of success."

"Based on what?"

Gold reached under the counter, producing a small velveteen bag with a drawstring. He pulled it open, sliding the contents out into his hand and placing it gently on the counter.

"Based on this," he said.

"A compass?" David looked skeptical.

"That's not just any compass," Killian said. "That's an enchanted compass."

"And the very compass that brought the two of you together on a shared mission, if memory serves," Gold added. "Making it a very, very strong talisman for the both of you. You carry this, and it will lead you to Emma."

"How soon can you have the curse ready?" Killian asked Regina.

"It'll take some time," she said, shaking her head. "Several hours at the very least."

"Can I do anything to help speed things along?" he asked, his eyes tight.

"No," Regina said. "Its a tedious process, and there aren't any shortcuts, unfortunately."

Killian gave her a short nod, and when she headed for the door, he moved to follow her. David put a hand on his arm, stopping him.


Killian looked down at the hand, then up at David, but didn't say anything.

"If you go under a sleeping curse..." David stopped, trying to find the best way to phrase what he had to say. "There's only one way that curse can be broken."

Killian looked at him steadily. "I know that, mate."

David bit his lip. "Look, what I'm trying to say is, I don't know if Emma will be able to do that yet."

"She may not be," Killian answered. "But I won't leave her in there alone."


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