ix. instant noodles

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i feel cold.

even though the spicy, tongue-tickling soup boils and bubbles

within my warm, plastic bowl.

it's peculiar.

i curiously prod the thick strands of artificial noodles

half-expecting they'd fight back.

i entangle them around my stainless steel fork, around and around and around and


i hope to find some form of resolve

some solution to this empty feeling of utter despair

yet i find none.

i try to embrace the warmth as i bring the noodles to my lips,

swirl it around within my mouth,

savour the steam and the spice,

the flames and yes, it feels nice, yet why

do i only feel colder?

i sigh,

drop my uninterested cutlery to the lone dining table as

i swipe my phone open in curiosity,

and ponder at the thought of you.

instant noodles aren't meant to be eaten alone.

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