Chapter 10

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I love this song. 

Jean's eyelids slowly flickered open, his eyelashes lightly hitting against his eyelids. He laid there, taking in shallow breaths. He didn't have to look around, he didn't have to move— he remembered where he was. Levi's room.

Oh how he despised this room.

He didn't understand why Levi didn't just give up already. Didn't understand how Levi had yet to kill him off. It happened before. He was a friend of Armin and Jean's. His name was Farlan. He had blonde hair and skin the colour of porcelain. He was kind of like a doll— at least in Levi's eyes. But you see, Farlan was different. He refused to give in, he refused to say yes. Farlan stood strong in what he believed. He was heterosexual and refused to give into Levi'ss demands. It only took three months. Three months of Farlan fighting him, before Levi had one of his men take him into the dense woods and shoot him.

Sure, Levi claimed his death was not planned and continued to say so. Armin believed Levi, because Armin didn't really know anything outside of Levi's words. But Jean— Jean knew. Jean had watch Farlan get carried out of his room. He watched from a small window as he was brought out into the woods. Jean also saw the same men walking back without Farlan, and within a few hours, he saw the flames that lit the forrest. Levi claimed Farlan was out climbing— because that was his hobby. Levi also claimed it was just a simply forrest fire; but Jean knew it wasn't. Jean knew Levi wanted to cover his tracks.

Maybe that's why Jean always faught back. He wasn't afraid of Levi— he was afraid of his men. Levi never killed a man himself, he always had someone else do the dirty work. Sure, Levi could be cruel; but Levi didn't have the strength to kill another man.

Jean hated Levi before Farlan's death. Truth was; Jean always hated Levi. He had no reason to like his existance, so he didn't.

And maybe Jean wasn't all there.

Maybe Jean was barely a whisk of a human.

He always wanted an out. He always wanted to leave. Not just leave this mansion, not just leave Levi's grasps, but leave Earth.

Armin changed that. Armin caused him to fall inlove and put up with Levi; put up with life.

Was it hard to have love in a life consumed of lust? Well of course. It was hard for Jean to watch Armin so gleefully run into Levi'ss arms. Maybe it was hard because Jean knew that Armin loved him. He didn't love him the same way he loved Jean, but Armin was inlove with Levi. Inlove with who Levi was. Levi was the drug lord, the master, the man who held him together, his best friend. And that is why Jean couldn't stand Levi Ackerman.

Jean had never been owned before. He was homeless, actually. He didn't have anyone and just lived off the streets in Shinganshina. If he were honest, he didn't mind it. He was living the life that he chose. Jean had money, he just didn't want to be the cliche. Did it make sense to anyone aside from Jean? Of course not.

He remembered it like it was yesterday. The way Levi pulled him in. He had just met him, and agreed to leave with him. That's what you get for being a slut, though. That's what you get for wanting to get laid. It was a twisted ending, really. He met Armin through it, but he suffered Levi all the same. Oh what a beautiful disaster.

Jean raked his bony fingers through his dark mane as he walked into the bar. A small 'ding' from a bell echoed through the building. It was still early; which is why the bar was nearly empty. Jean didn't care though. His shoes scuffed up the ground as he walked to the counter. He sat on the top of a stool and looked up at the bartender. "Something strong.", was all his accent slurred before the bartender was off making him a drink.

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