Chapter 2

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Levi rose from his bed and sighed as he looked over at Eren. Stretching out his arms, he went into his bathroom. He snapped his fingers, workers immediately turning on the water and stripping him of his robe. Levi slowly slid down into the tub filled with warm water and bubbles. He leaned his neck against the white porcelain and sighed. "Wake the brat. Bring him to my other bathroom and tell him to wash. Bring him to Armin's room after, tell Armin to keep him for the day. I don't wish to see Eren.", he demanded before closing his eyes and going under the water.


Eren slowly blinked his eyes open and looked around to where he was. Slowly sitting up, he leaned against the headboard and looked around. "Levi?" He said in a sleepy voice, pulling the covers up to his neck.

A strong man entered into the bedroom. "Joy. You're up. Come. Levi has requested I bring you to his other bathroom to bathe." Eren didn't need to be pulled, so instead the man just showed him the way. He left just after the boy entered the open room. A small woman turned on the water for the tub, adding bubble bath before going to Eren and stripping him from his clothes. "Snap when you're ready for your towel.", she instructed before leaving.

Eren looked around curiously as he searched for Levi, who was nowhere to be found. "But where's-" He was cut off by the woman when she shut the door. Eren sighed before slowly stepping into the warm water. As he settled in, he couldn't help but think about the night before, how surprisingly happy he'd been. Levi had made him feel safe curled up next to him. He could only hope for nights like yesterday. Because if all of them were like the previous one, he'd have no problem living here.


Armin had just been told that he was in charge of watching Eren for the day. He sighed before pulling himself off his bed, before closing his book. It's not that he minded, it was simply that he was on the most interesting part of the book. Armin went to take a quick shower before stopping by Levi's room. He knocked lightly before getting greeted by the silver eyed man.

"I have to watch the new kid?" Levi rolled his eyes and kissed Armin's lips roughly. "Just do it, will you? Got business to do." Armin sighed before kissing Levi's jawline. "Okay." He sighed and started off to the bathroom Eren was in.


Eren sat in the water for longer than he realized, thinking curiously about the night before. His mind began to wander and he wondered where Levi could've gone, and why he'd left him without saying goodbye. Eren figured it had been long enough in the tub, and he snapped his fingers like the woman had told him to find his towel.

The woman came in again, holding a towel directly in front of the tub. She gave him a smile before he took it. She left the room before walking back and setting down a set of clothes and leaving again.

Eren gave the woman a small smile before she left, taking the towel and stepping out of the tub. He toweled off his hair before drying the rest of his body, letting the towel hang low on his hips. He made his way to the bathroom door, poking his head out to see if there was anyone in the room. "Hello?" He asked, expecting a guard.

Armin stared at him for a moment before giving him a large, baby-faced grin. "I thought it was Brat? I'm Armin!"

Eren blushed faintly, looking up at the strange blonde boy. "I, uh.. I don't really like going by Brat." He said with a small smile. "Nice to meet you Armin." He said, briefly beginning to remember what Levi said about Armin and himself being the youngest ones in the house.

Armin leaned off from the wall and flashed him a bright smile. "Alright. but I warn you, not everyone is all smiles. Plenty of personalities around." He walked to the door and opened it, stepping out so Eren would follow him.

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