Chapter 8

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Waking up the next morning, Eren began to feel the full effects of the night before. His entire body ached, and his muscles were tight and sore as he stretched out his arms above his head. He groaned to himself, using all his willpower to swing his bare legs over the edge of the bed and sit up, feeling a brief head rush. He'd never felt so exhausted in all his life, Levi quite literally tearing him to shreds the night before.

Without bothering to throw on any clothes, Eren strode over to the mirror, getting the first glimpse of his wrecked bare body. Eren's eyes locked on the bloodshot caribbean orbs in the mirror. His eyes were drooping, dark heavy circles under his eyes looking purple and bruised. His long lashes fluttered, startled at his own reflection. Eren's cheeks appeared sunken in from lack of sleep, his usually plump cheeks falling flat against his face. Eren licked over his lips, finding them bruised and cracked, still harshly red from having them bitten into so many times last night, so harshly.

His neck, oh God, his neck. Levi had made sure to leave dozens of hickeys, dark purple an even deeper color on his porcelain skin. They were varying in size, some small and light, accompanied by teeth marks —teeth marks— and others large, the size of Levi's entire mouth and deep roses and plums in color. It was plain to see where Eren had no doubt been devoured. Eyes gravitating downward, he came across the vivid red scratches on his toned chest. Multiple sets of four claw marks heavy and bright on his skin. Thinking back, he knew Levi must have even more to match if Eren's little pet act had affected him the same way.

Eren's biceps were littered with tiny finger-shaped bruises, where Levi's harsh grip had held him in place on the floor. He shivered a little, thinking back on it. There were scattered scratches along the taut muscle as well, moving down his forearms, where four perfect crescents were branded into the ivory skin of his inner wrist. They were no longer an angry red, but porcelain white, not matching the sun-kissed skin of Eren. They weren't marks; those would be scars.

He took deep breaths as he took in the sight of his stomach, all bruised with kisses and hot scratches that continued from his chest. More frightening than that, Eren could see the three perfect outlines of the lash of Levi's whip. They'd branded his stomach, and Eren could see the imprints of the leather. His hipbones were the worst part of his torso, as Levi had a fascination with them, and couldn't keep his teeth off them the whole night. They were sucked raw, deep deep bite marks branding the thin flesh over his bone, and two perfect purple love bites were sucked over each bone.

Eren's thighs were bruised, and not in the delicate thumb-shaped way his arms were; his legs were smattered with deep, blotchy bruises, ones that made him look like he'd been beaten. Levi had held his legs open, slamming between his thighs, and Eren hadn't even noticed in the moment the splotched, uneven bruises Levi's thrusts had left.

He shook his head, turning around to look over his shoulder at his back. He knew what was coming even before he laid eyes on it. And the memory hit him like a train. Levi's hands. Above all else, Levi's hands. He saw what was left of the way Levi had dragged his nails up and down Eren's spine, tearing at the skin and drawing blood. The remnants of the way his thumbs gripped into the dimples of his lower back, picking him up off the floor and slamming into him relentlessly. Eren remembered thinking in that moment that if Levi gripped him any harder his back might break. He was close enough to being right.

Eren winced when his fingers grazed the hot scratches on his chest. Still tender. He glanced at himself once more and screwed his eyes shut. Levi had truly wrecked him last night. All he could think was I need to cover it. He slowly padded over to the small closet within the room, sliding the door open and looking at the wardrobe. He slowly reached for a long turtleneck sweater, one high enough to cover up most of his bruised neck. He painfully slid it over his shoulders, wincing and whimpering as he moved. Eren swallowed thickly, finding the first pair of jeans he could and sliding them over his legs. He thanked God they were loose fitting and wouldn't make him yelp with pain when he moved around in them.

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