Chapter 18 | My Discombabulated Self

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First of all, I want to say thanks for reading this far, I know the few past chapters haven't been the most exciting to read, so thanks for sticking along <3 

Also sorry for the short upload, I was planning on writing more but things don't go always as planned do they? :p

There was no way I would head back to the warehouse.

The chance of being met by more guards there was very likely it made my bones shudder at the thought.

I was still safely concealed behind my red-berry bush, the sun beating down on my head that was on the verge of exploding from the despair I felt.

Time was impossible to fight, continuing to inch closer and closer towards the hour of my designated DNA scan.

The fantasies I've been daydreaming about relentlessly crumbled before me, as I fumbled with with the red berry leaves I'd torn off the bush in a haze of mindlessness.

A constant chorus of what now, what now, thumped through my head vigorously as I watched the Royal Guards disappear further into the depths of the farm in search of the invalid that was on the loose. Me.

I hesitantly got off the floor, wondering where to go when there was nowhere left to go. Guards in the warehouse and Guards in the farm, the rest was a vast hole filled with green plants and birds and whatever nature produced, no telling where it stopped and civilization began.

I walked hopelessly along the fence that outlined all the acres that belonged to Charles, wondering if he had any neighbors and if so, would I get to meet them? And would they be so kind as to give me a ride to Dumont?

I let out a small chuckle, not sure which was more sad, the fact that I was laughing at the jokes in my head, or that I was cluelessly roaming an unknown area with my only way home being the Royal Guards.

20 or maybe 30 minutes later, when it was too hot for me to care too much about anything other than escaping the scorching heat and humidity that surrounded me, I began to feel paranoid. It was like that feeling you'd get when pouring yourself a cup of water in the middle of the night when the whole world is fast asleep, and then run back to your bed because for some reason, drinking water at this time is a lot scarier than in the morning.

I picked up speed, stumbling my way through the dense shrubbery faster and faster as my paranoia grew stronger and stronger to the point that everything turned to a green blur as I whizzed by.

I knew it made no sense, I knew there was no one after me, but I continued; my feet treading across the soil and grass purposefully to escape this imaginary predator.

My heart misses a beat at the sight of a terrified face, pale and running full speed towards me, too afraid to change directions or stop myself from moving, we collide into a catastrophic mess, sending pain throughout the millions of nerves nested in my skull.

It felt like a gong went off in my head, a painful vibration blinding me from seeing or thinking straight.

"Hey you!"

I blink excessively until my eyes clear and the pain subdues a bit, only a slight throbbing now.

To say the girl glaring at me was angry would be an understatement; she was furious.

Her slender arms rested tightly against her hips, her excessively white face contrasting harshly with her dark, dark black eyebrows that were furrowed at me.

She had already gotten up, towering over where I lay on the floor from the collision, a few leaves and tiny twigs entangled in my hair.

"You almost broke my nose! Why don't you watch where you're going!"

I slowly got up, still too dazed to think straight,

"Do you not understand English?"

When I open my mouth, nothing comes out, making me question myself, do I know English?

I massage my temples in an attempt to clear out the pain, wondering why on earth this girl was furiously picking up leaves and throwing them around like flower girls at a wedding.

"Is that how you deal with your anger?"

"Oh so you do speak English, well then make yourself useful and find the pendant you made me lose with your discombobulated self."

She threw another batch of leaves and twigs to the side and carried on with her search while I wondered what discombobulated meant.

She was quietly muttering under her breath as she searched, something about an "idiot" "pendant" and that long word from earlier, "discombobulated" followed by another "idiot."

As I took in my surroundings, I caught a gleaming blue object a few feet away; the angry girl's pendant. She's too busy rummaging through the grass and leaves under a nearby tree when I pick it up, surprised to find it much heavier than it looks.

I rub my thumb against the silver that was skillfully moulded around the sapphire jewel that gleamed against the sun. I'm about to let the girl know that I found her stupid pendant when I hear a voice in the distance that sends a chill down my spine,

"She probably went this way."

The guard who'd wrapped his hands around the old man's neck.

See ya next FRIDAY! :)

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