"MAMA," Meredith and Kurt yelled as I closed the gate and they ran up to me. I touched the tops of their heads as they held onto my legs.

"Hello my loves," I said to them before they let go and went back to the barbies on the floor. I walked over and sat in Dave's comfy chair and put my feet up and looked at Abby and Frances before I said, "What's sup bitches?"

"Are you drunk?" Frances asked. I usually only said that when I was drunk. I was but not on alcohol.

"No just happy," I replied.

"It's cause she's got a penis in her," Abby said.

"I did not," I said and they both looked at me.

"Yes you do. The baby is a boy so you have a penis in you," Abby said missing the point. Frances got it though but didn't say anything. She just shook her head at me.

"I know that. I kind of fucked that up," I replied and Abby got it.

"Oh my god you ahd sex," she exclaimed. Frances started laughing as I laid my head back on the chair. Dave was not getting his chair back any day soon.

"So what if I did. He's my hsuband and I just want this boy out. You got a penis in to get the fetus penis out," I said and made a hand motion which caused Frances to laugh even more.

"I am so glad I am not apart of this conversation right now," Frances said through her laughing.

"Oh just wait til you're pregnant. We'll be bump buddies then," I said and winked at her.

"You and Dave are gonna have more kids after Eric?" Abby asked.

"As many as possible please and thank you," was what I responded with as I small little pain came at the top of my belly.

"I think Dave was the one who said he wanted as many boys as girls," Frances added.

"He doesn't want to be out numbered so after Eric we can try for atleast 2 more. Unless it's a girl then you add another time on and so on if it's another girl," I said as I closed my eyes.

"Stay awake," Abby said as she threw a pillow at me.

"I am awake. I was thinking," I replied and threw the pillow back.

"So Britt while you where gone, Abby and I fed the kids. They are playing for a bit before they got for a nap. I'll put them down for you. I also looked through the songs and I gotta admit, you got some great ones here and they auit you. I'm in," Frances said as she put the guitar she had be holding down and stood up.

"Oh my god yay. We could be like Charlie's Angels on this shit," I replied as Frances picked Meredith up. Kurt came over to me and stood beside me. I felt another small pain at the top of my belly again.

"Mama baby," He said as he put a hand on my belly.

"Ya that's the baby," I replied.

"Baby grill," Kurt said as he "rubbed" my belly.

"baby boy," I said as the baby kicked where his hand was and scared me.

"Baby mean," Kurt said and got up on the couch by Abby.

"You did the same thing to me young man," I said as Frances same back for him.

"No," he said as he stood up on the couch. Frances snuck up behind him and started tickling him.

"Nap time Kurty bean," she said as she held him and took him up stairs. Abby and I watch as they left the room and Kurt waved at us and blew us kisses.

"Well I see Kurt is being a ham like his father," Abby said as I got up out of the chair.

"I swear that boy would flirt with a chair if it got him a cookie," I replied. We both shared a laugh as I sat down beside her on the couch in front of my laptotp. Another pain came but it was further down my bump this time. Maybe it was the chicken fingers.

Frances, Abby and I went through my music for the rest of the afternoon as the twins napped. When Dave came home he said I was needed out in the driveway. I got up and headed to the drive way.

"Get in loser we're going shopping," Taylor said with a smile as I walked up to his car.

"You really are my best friend," I said as I got in the car.

"Because I quoted Mean Girls?" He asked as he backed out of the drive way.

"Yes. Dave totally didn't get my quote earlier," I said as I buckled my seatbelt and he headed down the street towards where we were going.

"The ex wife liked it so we watched it a few times. Hey thanks for fucking coming with me to do this. I know it means more if I ask you for help with this and not Dave," Taylor said as he took my hand and kissed the back of it as a thank you

"No problem," I replied as Taylor now had both hands on the wheel.

We pulled up outside the store and got out of the car. We looked around for an hour before he finally chose the right one for the job he needed. The guy rang him up and we headed home. We picked up chinese food on the way and Dave looked relieved when we showed up with it.

"Thank god because I was not feeling up to cooking and I know you sure as hell aren't. Hey beautiful," Dave said as he wrapped an arm around me and put a hand on my belly before kissing me as Taylor, Abby and Frances head to the kitchen with the twins.

"Mmmm hey you," I replied in a seductive tone.

"I can't get earlier out of my head," Dave replied as he put his forehead on mine.

"I can't either but I think it may have helped," I replied with a smile.

"When did they start?" Dave asked as he rubbed my belly.

"When I got home. They're far apart and not even that noticeable," I replied.

"If they get worse let me know and we'll go. Let's go eat," Dave said. He kissed me one more time before we headed into the kitchen to eat.

Once Abby, Taylor and Frances left, we got the twins ready for bed and settled down into mine and Dave's bed to watch a movie on the tv he had put in the bedroom while I was out in the field of marigolds, lillies and poppies. The twins fell asleep near the end of the movie so Dave moved them into their rooms. When he came back I was going through the long list of songs me and the girls had come up with.

"So the guys are down to help whenever you need them to. How'd today go?" Dave asked as he got into the bed beside me.

"That good. It went fairly well. I just gotta narrow down the list," I replied as I kept my eyes on the pad of paper with the songs on it. Dave leaned voer and started kissing my neck as I stared at the paper.

"Dave I can't concentrate," I said as I dropped the pad to the floor.

"Good. I want your attention," Dave said as he put a hand to my cheek and kissed me. I didn't put up a fight as we made out and had more amazing sex. It wasn't as good as the van sex but it was pretty damn close.

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