9- 'Who told you?'

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Layla's PoV:

"I.. I .. Nothing..", my voice is barely to hear and I am hot. My cheeks are getting red and I can feel the tension in the air. How did Louis find out about it ? He couldn't know it unless.. unless Niall told him !

But why ? The blonde one wouldn't just go to my step-brother and tell him everything. He's not that stupid.

"Who told you?", the words leave my mouth before I can stop them. The coward I am, I look down and try to avoid eye-contact with Louis, but I can feel him staring at me. My hands are getting sweaty and I am shifting in the passenger seat trying to clear my head. I'm too nervous to think straight. The strong wind creates a little whistle in different tunes.

"Niall. Niall was boasting about sleeping with you. Is this true ? Tell me. I need to know."

Louis' tone is very spine-chilling and full witj venom. Before I can think over my actions my hand reaches for the cold metal on the door. My thin fingers fiddle around with the doorknob and finally after some seconds the car door flies open. The unpleasantly cool air hits me hard and I take a deep breath. Slowly getting out of the car I try to calm myself down. Strangely enough Louis doesn't try to stop me as I walk back the little stony path. My hair blows about wild, but I am to upset in the moment to care.

Without thinking I knock on the wooden door and rub quickly my hands , since the cold freezes my soft skin. The tears are already burning on the corners of my eyes and as soon as somebody opens the door I practically threw my body, which is stiffed with cold, onto the boy who stands right in front of me. My teardrops start to flow slightly and I burrow my confused head into his warm neck. I feel a powerful grip on my waist and within seconds my feet are lifted up from the ground.

Because of the brown and soft curls I can identify the person. It is Harry.

Harry carries me slightly up the stairs to my familiar room and sits down on the bed. His large hands move to my head and he pushes my tousled hair away trying to make it as comfortable as possible for me.

My head is still resting on his shoulder and my tears are still flowing down, but neither of us cares. Harry remains still for about half an hour and tries to breath regualry and slowly. I close my heavy eyes and try to forget about everything. My mind travels to my father and step-mother.. They're probably having a good time with my step-sisters, while I am..

"Layla?", Harry's low voice startles me and as he notices he places his hot fingers on my head to comfort me. Without warning me the boy leans back and lies his head down on my pink pillow. As I rear my head he gives me a worried look. Harry's muscular and tattooed arms embrace me and my head takes place on his chest. Seconds later I can feel a thin material covering my cold body.

I keep thinking and thinking about everything, but my mind keeps drifting either to Niall or the mysterious boy with that angelic voice. I'm so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open. After some minutes in drift into sleep.

The room is dark.

Nobody's here.

I am alone.

I try to escape, but I fail.

Why am I here ?

Suddenly the door opens and a small beam of bright light shines into the room.

A person walks in.

That person walks towards me and I take a step back.

He gets closer and closer and I try to move away.

My body bangs against the cold wall.

"You did it. You're guilty."

This person whispers into my ear and causes my skin to go all goose-pimply.

All of a sudden something sharp and cold touches my neck.

As I slowly look down I see a knife.

With blood on it.

"You're the next."

"Layla, Layla !"

Cold hands touch my skin and I try to open my eyes, but fail.

"Wake up, please!"

These cold hands shake my whole body.


My eyes fly immediately open and I see Harry and Louis kneeling down right next to my bed. Their faces are pale and shocked, but as soon as they see me woken up, they breath a sigh of relief.

I close my eyes again, trying to assimilate my horrible mightmare. They are back, again. The dreams will haunt me forever. I will never get rid of this terrible bad dreams.

It is just a dream, calm down.

I try to remind myself it was a bad dream, but I am still intimidated and extremely shocked. It felt so real.


Short update, because I have looooottttssss of homework, I'm sorry ! In a few weeks I'll update longer chapis, I promise :) please comment and vote and share and bla bla ! :D

Love you all xx


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