4- 'Go on, make fun on me'

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Harry's POV:

I hear Louis slamming the door and after some minutes he appears in the living room.

He looks angry. Really angry. What happened? I bet Niall fucked everything up. It's always the same. This little arse can't behave. He always buggers up and nobody says something. Niall should watch out. Layla did nothing to him and if he's gonna mock her, he'll get into trouble. I like Layla. She's sweet and innocent. As long as she stays the cute girl she's now I will stick up for her. Everybody needs a chance. We can't judge Layla without knowing her and her story. I think we'll be good friends, since she was very nice and polite to me.

"Louis what happened? Why are you so angry?" Zayn's voice fills the room.

As I look at Louis he's playing with his eyebrow piercing, which means he's either nervous or fucking angry.

"I'm going to kill Niall, that's what happened", Louis answers in a surpsingly calm voice. I thought he would run trough the whole house and destroy everything.

The boys just sigh and let it go.

"Where's he?" Louis continues talking.

"He just left. He was angry, too." Liam explains and starts to smoke.

I decide to look after Layla, since she's in her room and Louis just walked out of there very angry and aggressive.


While knocking at her door I try to figure out what I'm going to say. How am I going to explain to her why I'm standing in front of her door at midnight.

As she doesn't open the door I turn around to walk down. Suddenly the door flies open and Layla is standing in the door frame.

Damn, I can't stop staring at her body. My eyes wander to her legs. Layla's figure is quite hot. She's only wearing some hot pants and a cropped top. Oh, her belly is pierced. But there's something else...Is this a tattoo on her hip bone?

It looks like a...

"Harry? What are you staring at?" Layla interrupts my thoughts. I blush a little bit. She just caught me staring at her fucking hot body.

"Umm...I just wanted to talk to you. You alright?" I ask her ignoring her question and walk slowly to her door.

She smiles shyly and steps back.

"Come in" Layla answers while turning around and walking further into her room. I follow the brunette and sit down on her couch. She takes place on her bed and covers her legs with the blankets while looking at me with her piercing blue eyes. I nod slightly and look out of the window.

"I just saw Louis. He was really angry and hurt. What did Niall do? Did he touch you?" I blurt out without thinking. As Layla reminds quite I turn to face her.

In her deep blue eyes I can see pale and disappointment but Layla quickly looks away and runs her fingers through her long hair.

"Yeah, he is angry. I slapped him." She snaps while turning around and looking at me.

My eyes widen in shock.

Layla's POV:

"Yeah, he is angry. I slapped him."

His eyes widen in shock and I feel uncomfortable. Why am I telling Harry about it? We barely know each other.

"Why?" He gasps, stands up from my couch and walks towards me.

Harry looks funny when he's shocked. It's probably not clever to laugh, but I burst out laughing.

His eyes are locked into mine, but I can't stop laughing. He patiently waits until I finish.

"Why did you slap him?" Harry asks again, but this time his voice is a little bit more serious.

I take a deep breath before answering.

"Because of his rudeness. He literally asked me if Niall slept with me...Well, but he didn't say sleep...He used that impolite word, which I'm not gonna repeat now. And he even blamed me."

I really don't have an idea why I am sharing this with Harry?! I don't mean it in a bad way, but he doesn't look like he cares or anything. Why is Harry even here?

He laughs before answering.

"So he assumed Niall fucked you?"

Harry's not even trying to be a little polite. I just nod looking at my fingers.

"And why?" Shit, he's going to push until I tell him everything. I sigh and look into his beautiful green eyes.

"Because I was in Niall's room. And NO, we did NOT sleep together. I was cooking in the kitchen, but I fainted since I cut my finger. You know, I can not see blood. Then I just woke up in his disgusting room. I don't know how I got there. As I tried to leave Niall walked in. He wanted to kiss me, but I pushed him away. Niall's an idiot. He even asked me if I was still a virgin. Who the hell asks a girl something like this in their first conversation?! And yeah, go on. Make fun on me, since I'm seventeen and still a virgin. But who cares? I'm sorry if I do not sleep with every boy that crosses my path."

It feels so good to share the whole story with somebody. Since I'm embarassed I look down on my fingers. Minutes pass by, but Harry stays still. He is not even moving. I am still looking at my hands, because I don't dare to look him in the

eyes. Harry is probably laughing at me right now.

"Layla." He starts but stops to think.

"First of all: Niall was ALWAYS a bloody arsehole. He just fucks everything up.

Second: No, I'm not gonna laugh at you? Why should I? I respect your decision. Just because you're virgin it doesn't mean that you shouldn't be respected as a person. You are nice, sweet and smart, why should someone hurt you on purpose?"

I just can't believe that Harry said that.

This is surely not Harry. He has tattoos and piercings and he's the perfect bad boy. Harry should go around and break hearts instead of sitting here and talking with me about my boring life.

"Thank you." That's the only thing I can say now. My mind is covered with too many things and I can not think clear right now.

"Nothing to thank. Just remember my words. And Louis, well he's very hot tempered. He gets angry very fast, but he would never hurt you. He'll get over all this shit very soon. Trust me."

With this words Harry walks to the door and reaches out for the golden knob.

He turns around one more time and starts to talk. "We're going to a bar tomorrow evening, you can come with us if you want?"

I smile at him and agree.

"Well then good night and sleep tight." Harry says with a little grin on his face.

"Thank you. You too."

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