6- his lips

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Niall's PoV:

I sit down plump on my bed and grab my phone from the little box next to my bed. 2 minutes later I hear slightly knocks on my door. I sigh and sit up straight while running a hand through my blonde hair. Why can't they fucking leave me alone ?

"What?", I ask with an annoyed voice. There's silence for some seconds.

"It's me, Layla", the girl answers in a low voice.

"Come in"

I'm really not in the mood of talking to somebody after all this shitty drama. Amelie, my ex was just here and looked at me like I tried to kill her or something like this.. I mean, I hurted her, but not physically. I made her believe I loved her just to have some fun. See, it's not that bad. It's her own fault. Do I look like a nice guy? No. Do I look like I'm falling in love with a girl ? No. I'm just 'dating' them to have some fun, you know. I never fell in love with a girl and I never will fall in love, that's for sure. It's all just a game to me.

The brown door opens and Layla slowly steps in. She stops and waits for me to say something. Her eyes are a little bit red and she's nervous. I can tell that surely, because she's looking down at her nails.

On closer examination I do notice her fucking her body. She's just wearing sime black cotton shorts and a white crop top. Underneath the top I am able to see her pink bra. Oh, she has a belly button piercing.. It looks hot. Layla shifts uneasily from one foot to the other and I notice that I'd been staring at her all the time.

"What are you waiting for?", I get impatient and pissed off.

She looks up and her eyes look straight into mines, but she doesn't answer.

"Can you stop staring ? If not, then fuck away", I say in a harsh tone and turn my attention to my phone again. I scroll through twitter and reply to some messages from a few horny girls.

After some minutes the girl's voice fills the room. I completly forgot about her presence, to be honest.

"What did you do to Alice?", she asks in a calm tone and starts playing with her necklace. As I look at her, her eyes are still fixed on me.

"Nothing you need to know."

"She's my only friend here, and I need to know. You hurted her really bad, I saw the pain in her eyes as she looked at you", Layla says getting closer to my bed and her voice getting louder with every step.

"Are you her new fucking psychiatrist?", I snap. She's going on my nerves already and she's in my room for not even 5 minutes .Layla is bugging me. She needs to stop or..

"Just tell me. Niall, what happened between you and Amelie ?" She keeps pushing.

"I said nothing! If you're gonna ask fucking questions then go out ! It's none of your fucking business!" , I scream at her and she takes a step back with dilated eyes.

"Of course I am going to ask you questions ! That's why I'm here! And do not use this impolite words ! Why should I be here otherwise ?"

Layla's voice get's angrier and higher. Her cheeks are already red and her eyes are glossy. Fuck, please don't cry.

"I don't know.. Maybe for..", I start talking and get out of my bed.

I walk slowly towards her, but she takes a step back. I reach out for her wrist and push her against the wall.

"Ni..Niall..St-stop", her voice cracks at the end. Her blue eyes are looking into mines. My touch makes her go all goose-pimply and she closes her eyes for a few seconds, while holding her breath.

Never {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now