7- Don't let me go

402 16 5

Layla's PoV:

The days passed and nothing exciting happened. Niall ignored me and I ignored him. We both acted like nothing happened between us. The boys were very nice and tried to be as polite as possible. I became good friends with Harry. When the other boys aren't around he's so nice and friendly. He's always protecting me and he's acting like he's my older brother. Harry thinks his jokes are funny, but trust me, they aren't. He's making me laugh all the time when we're hanging out together.

I went to school and did all my assignments. Finally it's weekend so I can relax a little bit. It's Friday and I decided to visit Amelie, since she missed school the whole week. She texted me saying she felt sick, but as much as I wanted to believe her, I kinda think she just skipped school so I couldn't ask her out about Niall and her. As I drove to her house her mother told me she was sleeping. Her mother was very nice and she offered me to stay at Amelie's until she woke up. I did some small talk with her mom and after some hours her daughter climbed down the stairs. I realised that Amelie was really sick, since her face was pale and she had rings under her eyes.

We watched some movies and talked about everything apart from the 'Niall-Topic'. Her mom made some delicious Cookies for us, which was really nice of her. I thought it would be better if I don't ask her out about Niall though.. Amelie and I put out that I would sleep over, but she was threwing up all the time, so her mother took her to the hospital. I couldn't stay at her house, so now I'm sitting in the train. There aren't too many people. It's already past 22pm and since it's Friday I bet the boys are on a party or just out. They are barely at home during the week, why should they stay at home at the week end ?

I have to think about Niall all the time, although I should not and I don't want to.. He's not my type.. But his kiss was so emotional and breath-taking.. It was probably just a joke.. To him.. But why am I thinking about him at all ? He's an arsehole. And I'm not in love with him.

After half an hour I'm walking down he street, which is dark and really sinister. I hurry up and try to get home as fast as possible. As I finally reach the door I search in my bag for my keys. Finally I find them and open the door. As I step in the lights in the corridor are on and it's extremely quiet in the house. I guess the boys were really excited so they forget to turn them off.

I take off my coat and my boots. As I'm climbing up the stairs I hear a guitar playing. It's really quietly. It's probably from the neighbour's house. I shrug it off and climb further.

I reach the end of the stairs and head to my room. While opening the door I hear someone singing.. It's not from the neighbour's .. It's one of the boys.. I follow that voice. Getting closer to that room, where the boy is sitting, I can hear it better.. The voice is angelic and soft.. It has lots of emotions.. I automatically fall in love with this voice.. It sounds so beautiful.. As nosey as I am I slightly turn the knob and put my head into the small space between the door and the door-frame.

This person is sitting with the back towards the door and he's wearing a hoody, so I can't say who it is. I watch his outlines and try to recognise him, but it's hopeless. The room is too dark.

I close the door quietly again. Taking place next to the door I start to eavesdrop.

The voice is so angelic, soft, wonderful and expressively.

I promised one day that I'd bring you back a star,

I caught one and it burned a hole in my hand oh..

Seems like these days I watch you from afar,

Just trying to make you understand..

I'll keep my eyes wide open, yeah

I wonder who this song wrote.. It's sounds so personal.

Don't let me,

Don't let me,

Don't let me go,

'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone

Who is letting him go ? Before I could realise it, I fell in love with this voice..

Don't let me,

Don't let me go,

'Cause I'm tired of sleeping alone..

Who is this boy ? I can't believe that he wrote this song.. It sounds so sensitive and kind of depressing. I have to know who it is.. It's gonna be hard, but I'll find out.. I need to find out. I fell in love with this angelic and irresistible voice. I can't just forget about it. This song is just perfect..


Hellooo :D

So first of all Thanks for reading and Voting ! x

And now : I know, I know, Harry is singing "Don't let me go", but this song was just perfect for his chapi :D

So let me alone, please, lol


Never {Niall Horan}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin