“Fine, fine.” The nurse muttered as we kept going.

“They’re not gonna get the bullet out?” I asked just the tiniest bit scared. Note sarcasm

“Kat, there is no bullet, it went clean through; that’s why you’ve lost so much blood. They said it nicked a bone but touched no major muscles and that’s why it isn’t lodged up there.”

“Thank you girl.” I said as my eyelids were becoming too heavy for me to keep open. “Can I fall asleep now?” I whispered.

“Yes, yes you can puddin.” One of the nurses said just as I faded out. If that’s who I think it was I am royally screwed.

I had woken up about an hour ago and so far hadn’t seen any cops. Now hearing was another thing. I could tell that there were at least two outside of my doors and a couple more were answering questions that were being asked by vicious reporters. The nurses had been coming in periodically to check up on me and make sure all the readings from the machines were good and I wasn’t going to relapse or something like that.

“Alright boys, let me in.” I could hear commissioner Gordon saying on the other side of the door.

“And that’s my cue to leave.” The cute nurse said as Gordon walked in. The nurse was average height and really the thing that made him attractive was his straight, messy, black hair that went just below his eyebrows.

“Don’t leave me alone with him. He’ll torture me just as much as a reporter would.” I cried out in mock horror and he laughed.

“I’m glad you see me like that.” Gordon smiled as the nurse had left and walked away.

“Just promise me something before you start telling me anything.” I asked evenly. “Do not make me talk to Batman again.”

“Why not?”

“Because the guy’s a jerk.” I said simply.

“And how do you come to that conclusion?” Gordon asked a little skeptically.

“The dude runs around beating the crap outta all the bad guys and doesn’t get in trouble with you guys; but if it were some else he’d be thrown in jail for disturbing the peace. And the Batman goes out and does it again.”

“You’re saying it’s wrong to catch the bad people of Gotham?” He sounded perplexed.

“No. I’m saying I don’t get why Batman gets special privileges.”

“Well he doesn’t. He doesn’t kill anyone so we technically can’t do anything to him.”

“But if a small fight breaks out at school and one punch is thrown, both kids get arrested. That totally makes sense.” I rolled my eyes.

Riddle me this, Riddle me Kat! *Watty Awards 2012 Completed*Where stories live. Discover now